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Marcel nearly dropped the phone in his hand when he heard the office door creak open.

He could smell him before he even saw him, inhaling deeply the scent of the fucked out Omega. He was incredibly jealous that he and his brothers were able to play, but Marcel he work to do.

He had to protect his little mate and his growing family.

"Daddy," Louis whined from the doorway. Marcel looked up at him, clenching his jaw at the sight. "I miss you. Feel like I haven't spent any time with you." He pouted.

He was wrapped up in a short, silk pink robe Marcel had bought for him a while back, and it was tied lazily to reveal the white boy shorts he was wearing. Marcel was mated to the most stunning creature on the planet.

He didn't know what he did, or even his brothers did, to deserve Louis.

"I'm sorry, baby doll." Marcel frowned, shutting his laptop and putting his phone down in order to shield what was there from Louis. He didn't need the stress right now.

He didn't need to know the real reason why they had to buy him a new phone.

Louis gave him a shy smile and began to walk over to him, sitting on his lap in the large office chair. Louis had teased him for the ridiculous seat a while back, saying that Marcel must have a power kick whenever he sits in it.

And, with the pretty Omega in his lap, sitting in his office where he has successfully created millions of dollars for his family's company, he feels like the richest, most powerful man in the world.

Louis draped his arms over Marcel's shoulders and leaned into his neck, giving kitten licks to the skin. It made Marcel hum in satisfaction, letting the boy do as he pleased while he placed his large hands on Louis' tiny waist.

"I love you, Marcy." Louis sighed into his neck, nuzzling into the area where the Alpha's scent was the strongest.

"I love you too, baby." Marcel smiled, rubbing at the bottom of his spine. "Do you like your new phone?"

"It's kind of confusing." Louis answered with an embarrassed flush to his cheeks. He had a really cheap phone before this new one, which was much more high tech.

"I can help you with that." Marcel offered, a bit excited. He could bond with Louis over something he was comfortably knowledgeable about.

It seemed as if Louis could read him like a book, fond smile breaking out on his face. "Okay, daddy. Let's go cuddle, though."


"What do you think they're going to be?" Edward had his eyes glued to Louis' stomach, watching enviously as Marcel rubbed at the skin.

"I don't know." Louis teasingly rolled his eyes, giggling at the fake snarl Edward sent his way in reply. "They're just barely two months old. I just hope they're healthy and happy."

"I wonder if it'll be a litter of Alphas, just like us." Marcel had a deeply contemplative look on his face.

"It's so cool that you're having triplets." Harry gushed from his spot in the living rooms entryway. He had offered to cook tonight, having looked up a recipe for soup that he hoped Louis would like.

The weather was getting colder outside, and he would make sure his Omega was always warm and comfortable.

"I know." Louis beamed. "I'm so happy. I don't care what they present as." He pursed his lips before adding sheepishly. "I kind of want at least one Omega, though. I'd love to have that kind of bond."

"Well if we don't get one this time, we'll just have to knock you up again." Edward winked with a smirk. Louis grinned back, nodding his head.

"Sounds like a plan--" he was cut off by the doorbell ringing, and grew agitated when whoever was at the door continued to press it.

"I'm coming!" Edward shouted, annoyed. He could sense Louis' agitation, and he'd be willing to fight anyone who caused the emotion.

"Finally." Niall huffed, rolling his eyes as Edward opened the door. The Alpha shook his head with a sigh. Of course. He should've expected this. "Where's my Lou boo?"

"Stop calling me that!" They could hear Louis groan from the living room. Edward let him in, surprised when Liam bounded in right behind him.

"Hello, Liam." Edward raised an eyebrow. He hadn't seen the man since he had met Niall, and he knew that Louis was a bit pouty over it.

"Edward, right?" Liam guessed with a furrow in his brows. The Alpha's shook hands before they walked back to the living room where Louis was kicking at Niall.

"Get away from me, it's too hot." Louis whined, holding out his arms to try to stop the blond.

"I haven't seen you in years!" Niall whined dramatically. "And I want to touch your belly!"

"How'd you even know I was pregnant?" Louis huffed, finally giving up. He was still nuzzled into Marcel's side, but Niall simply took that to nuzzle into the Omega's other side.

Marcel growled lowly when Niall shoved his hand away, but stopped when Louis pet at his hair. He was so good at bringing him back down to earth.

Niall rubbed at the skin, cooing loudly. "One of you are mine."

"Oh my god, shut up!" Louis groaned, a bubble of laughter escaping his lips even though he tried his hardest not to let it. "You're ridiculous."

"I'm going to steal one." Niall said, eyes wide and serious. "These are going to be the cutest babies ever. How many are you having? Definitely more than one. Right?"

"Three." Louis replied happily. Liam gasped excitedly, and Niall squealed. "Li, are you going to congratulate me?"

"Of course!" Liam looked a bit frazzled. "I'm sorry, Lou. I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks, Liam." Louis beamed happily. "I'm so happy. Are you guys going to stay for dinner?"

Lin turned his gaze to the Alpha's, Harry answering with a shrug. "I made more than enough food. You're more than welcome."

"Great, so they're staying." Louis answered bossily. Edward reached over to slap at his thigh, making the boy pout. "Sorry daddy."

"It's okay, princess. Don't be bratty." He ordered with an eyebrow raised. "They can stay if they'd like."

Louis sent a hopeful gaze to the two, not bothering to hide how happy he was to see them. He loved his Alpha's, but having the company of his old friend and new in their large home, was wonderful.

"Of course, we were going to stay anyways." Niall rolled his eyes with a grin on his face. "You're never getting rid of me."

"That's what I'm afraid of." Louis teased.

All your comments got me so inspired, I wanted to update again! I really loved all the answers, so I think the questions might become a relatively regular thing.
Question: What do you want the babies to be?

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