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Louis gasped in pain as he was yanked down the hall, the tight metal cuff wrapped around his wrist being tugged along by the same Alpha that had kidnapped him.

The man in front of him was large and ugly; with a beer gut and facial hair that covered most of the lower half of his face. Louis knew from before that the man had an accent, seemingly Italian, and he assumed he was one of Des' right hand men.

After Anne had left the bedroom, the man had entered not too long after. He didn't say a word to Louis as he simply dragged him off the bed and tightened one of his wrists with a handcuff that he pulled from the other end. Louis had no idea where they were going, but he tried his best to keep an eye out for anyone as they walked.

There were a few burly looking men lounging around the home as they passed, a few making suggestive expressions to Louis as he passed, making him shiver in disgust. If his mates had seen them, they would tear them limb from limb.

Louis tried to keep that thought in his mind. His mates would come for him soon, and they would kill everyone that so much as glanced at Louis. In any other case Louis might scold them for the amount of violence they are sure to act on, but now, he hoped for it. These men were threatening the lives of his pups, and he wanted his mates to give them the punishment they deserved.

As they entered a closed door, Louis immediately recognized it as the same office he had been dragged into weeks prior. The seat in front of him was being occupied by Ben, a twist the boy didn't expect.

"They're on their way." Ben announced, standing from his chair. He didn't make eye contact with Louis, but his hair looked wild and unkept, as if he had been running his fingers through it. "I want you to know I didn't approve of this, but I guess this is just how things have to end up."

"How things have to end up?" Louis was confused, and assumed that the man meant Louis' death was inevitable. "You're just as crazy as him."

"I wish I was." Ben finally looked up, and his cold, emotionless eyes made Louis take a step back. The goon holding the chain yanked him forward once more, and Louis followed as if in a daze. Ben looked exhausted, practically dead on his feet. The Omega suddenly had to rethink this whole situation. If the only thing to happen today was Louis' own death, than why was Ben so upset?

Suddenly, shouts were heard and Louis flinched at all the noise coming from what he assumed was the front of the house. His heart jumped with hope; were his Alpha's finally here?

"You may bring him to my father now." Ben sighed, rubbing one of his hands along his face. The man with Louis grunted, and began to drag the boy outside once more. 

Outside of the study, the noise was much louder. Louis was quickly pushed into a room on the other end of the hall, and the door shut behind him without the man entering.

Louis steadied himself from the harsh shove, relieved when he didn't fall on his stomach as he had thought he would. Once he fixed himself, he looked up, tensing at the sight of Des standing by a window. He was holding a cup filled with brown liquid and ice, and was sipping at it casually as if the chaos around them didn't exist.

"Come here." He ordered. Louis pursed his lips but followed the command, not wanting to force the Alpha into doing something rash. "I want you to sit right here." He pointed to the chair at his desk, and Louis watched him nervously as he sat in the overly dramatic office chair.

It made his heart hurt, because the chair reminded him of Marcel, and his own extravagant office. He suddenly had a deep yearning to be sitting in the mans lap, with his warm arms wrapped around his waist, while watching him work. Such an insignificant act suddenly felt like one of the best things he'd ever experienced, now faced with his own death.

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