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"You are such a minx." Harry growled. Louis' only response was a content sigh, hips moving in tiny figure eights. "Such a fucking minx."

"Daddy," Louis whined, feeling more come pulse into him. "you come for so long."

"That's your fault, kitten." Harry giggled, reaching to push his long hair away from his face. They were both sweating from their previous romp, hearts still trying to slow down.

"I think daddy M called me while you had me pinned down." Louis shot him a dirty look, only to be met with a dirty smirk. The Omega rolled his eyes at the man, reaching toward the night stand in order to grab his phone. Harry whimpered as the movement tugged on his knot.

As expected, there were two missed calls from Marcel showing on the phone. Louis quickly dialed his number, humming as he wiggled his hips. Harry answered with more come and louder groans.

"Hi, pup." Marcel answered, the sound of papers being moved around in the background. "What're you doing?" Louis could tell it was more than just a curious question. Marcel was obviously a bit miffed about the two previously missed phone calls.

"Your barbarian brother held me down and took my virtue." Marcel barked out a laugh at the reply, making Louis smile. He loved the obnoxious honking that made up Marcel's laugh. "I'm serious."

"And where is my barbarian brother now?" Marcel questioned. Louis hummed in response, lifting up on his thighs as he felt Harry's knot begin to go down. Harry let out a deep noise at that, rolling onto his side and bending a bit to peak at the boys leaking hole.

"Inspecting the damage." Louis giggled, jumping away when Harry's fingers started to slide inside of him. "Harry, stop."

"Edward's on his way home now, and I shouldn't be longer than about an hour." Marcel let out a yawn. "Early day, but I'm ready to go to bed as soon as I get home."

"I'll snuggle you." Louis sang, letting out a screech and reaching behind himself to slap at Harry. "Harry if you don't get away from me in two seconds!"

"It's sounds like you have your hands full, baby doll." Marcel chuckled. "I'll see you when I get home." Louis hung up the phone, tossing it to the side as he rolled over back onto Harry's stomach.

"Okay, you little brat. Do you have an off switch?" The Alpha wiggled his eyebrows and grabbed Louis' hand, pushing it down to his groin. "You are such a loser and I hate you." Louis cackled in response.

"Kitten," Harry growled, even though there was a bright smile growing on his face, "don't be mean to me. It's not my fault we're so sexually compatible."

"It's actually half your fault, you loser." Louis grinned, bending to press a kiss to the boys still swollen lips. "Gosh, you're literally such a huge dork. Where are your brothers when I need them?"

"Right here, princess." Edward's husky voice announced from the door. Louis jumped up, still naked as could be, and went straight to give the man a kiss. "Hello to you too, sweetheart."

"Hi, daddy." Louis hummed, beaming. He felt that he never got enough time with his men. "How was work?"

Edward's response was to scoop Louis up, hands holding his plump bottom. He gave the Omega's behind a rough squeeze, making him whimper. He was still sore from Harry.

"It was exhausting, princess. I'm going to take a nap, if that's okay with you." Louis nodded, understanding, and kissed the man once more.

"That's okay, daddy. I think Marcy is going to join you when he gets home too, and loser pants over there is incapable of anything after getting laid, so I'll go ahead and keep myself busy." Harry made an indignant noise, but didn't offer any other argument. Which, he shouldn't. Louis was totally right.

"You sure, princess? I can pass on the nap." Louis made an outraged sound at the offer, already beginning to unbutton Edward's button up.

"No, my daddies need to relax." Louis cooed, pressing a soft kiss on his forehead. "Princess will make you three a nice, protein packed dinner to keep you healthy for me. Okay?" Edward smiled in response, kneading at Louis' wide hips. He let Louis completely take control of the situation, not putting up a fight as the Omega undressed him and tucked him in next to his brother.

Afterwards, both brothers watched as Louis walked into their closet, coming out minutes later dressed in lace boy shorts and a white tshirt. "Goodnight." He sang, blowing them a kiss as he closed the door.

They both regretted asking for a nap. 


By the time six o'clock rolled around, Louis had three deep sleeping Alpha's upstairs while he cooked beef stew, cornbread, and rice.

He was excited to cook such a big dinner for the boys, seeing as he was known for how well he could cook. He wanted to continue to amaze the triplets as their relationship grew.

Once all the food was done and set on a warmer, Louis quickly jogged up the steps to the bedroom. He could hear the boys snoring from down the hall, and rolled his eyes. They were all monsters.

The though flew out of his head, though, when he opened the door to the three men fast asleep and cuddling close, presumably for warmth since the sheets were in a pile that had fallen to the floor.

He went ahead and slid in the middle of Marcel and Harry, poking at each of them. "Daddies, wake up." He hummed. He reached over and rubbed Edward's arm, making sure to be soft and sweet toward them. He didn't want any of them to wake up and be grumpy.

"Mornin', baby doll." Marcel's hushed voice called for Louis' attention, and the smaller boy smiled before bending down to kiss him.

They kissed lazily for a few minutes, only stopping once rustling was heard around them. When Louis turned, he faced the other boys, both looking rumpled and sleepy.

"Come on, boys," Louis smiled, feeling his heart melt at the sight. "I made you all dinner, and I'd like for us to eat it together please."

"I call Louis on my lap." Edward taunted, sitting up.

"Hey, what!" Harry grumbled, grabbing at his older brothers arm. "That's not fair!"

Louis sighed. Well, he shouldn't have expected anything more.

Just a little fluff ball for you guys to celebrate 2k votes! What the heck, you're all so good to me. Xx

Ps, I have taken down 3c (my new hybrid fic) I want to edit it, and maybe even change up the pairing for it, since I don't think lilourry is all that popular among you guys. Any suggestions?

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