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"Do you like oatmeal?" Louis furrowed his eyebrows, looking towards the man that was standing at the end of the grocery aisle. "Or maybe you would like granola bars better?"

"I like oatmeal." Louis chirped, grabbing a few yogurts and walking back toward Marcel. The Alpha happily placed the yogurt into the cart, also placing a pack of different flavored oatmeal inside.

"I can't think of what else we need." Marcel groaned, rubbing at his temples. Louis pouted, sympathetic, knowing why the Alpha was so stressed.

Louis' heat was approaching soon, and it was making his future mates easily agitated and their instincts were beginning to flare up. They were around him so much as of late that they were getting effected by his rush of hormones, and ever-changing smell.

Especially with Marcel being the least connected with his inner Alpha. It's always so easy for him to loose himself, so with Louis' heat coming fast, he was steadily growing easily irritated and especially possessive.

"We need to get a case of water, daddy." Louis hummed quietly, rubbing a hand down his muscled chest. "When we get home, I'll ride you." He whispered, taking a deep inhale of the Alpha's scent.

Marcel growled lowly, nipping at Louis' neck before turning and walking towards the beverage aisle. "Don't move!"

Louis grinned at his back, happy with the change in attitude.

He looked around the nearly empty store, humming to himself. He felt like there was something he was forgetting.

It was obviously just too early to be shopping. It was nine in the morning on a Friday for goodness sake. Louis couldn't remember the last time he was up this early on a Friday.

He suddenly had a craving for strawberries, and walked a little ways down in order to get to where they were kept. He figured it'd be a good snack to have around during his heat.

But, as he bent over to look at the different fruits, he gasped at the feeling of someone pressing themselves against him.

He inhaled deeply, recognizing the scent, but flinching when he smelt the feral twinge to it. He could feel his body heating up in response, gasping out in shock.

"You moved." Marcel growled, cock thickening in his pants. Louis moaned out, eyes falling shut at the feeling. He could feel himself slowly getting lost to his inner Omega.

Marcel thrusted against Louis, who was still bent over. The Omega held out his hands, clenching around the table he had been looking at in order to keep his place.

He whimpered at the feeling of Marcel nipping at his neck, and attempted to reach for his phone in his pocket.

There was only one other customer in the aisle, and she was staring at them nervously. While it wasn't exactly common for Omega's/Alpha's to go into a heat or rut in public, it has happened.

"Can you--" Louis gulped, feeling Marcel grind into him. He could tell the female was a Beta, who would go pretty much unnoticed in the vision of a horny Alpha. "Call Edward." He slid the phone on the ground, and stared at her nervously, taking in deep breaths.

She was hesitant as she bent over to grab the phone, but once nothing happened as she bent down, she grabbed it quickly. Louis watched as she pressed a few buttons and put the phone to her ear, and once he was sure she was speaking, he let himself relax. There was nothing more he could do to help this situation, and there was no way he could hold off his heat any longer.

The Triplets Mate [Styles/Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now