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Louis was having so much fun.

Marcel got brave a few hours into their date night, so now the omega was in his lap with his deceivingly strong arms wrapped around his waist. The middle sibling looked so lanky, but it was just a front. His arms were thick and muscled as they locked around him.

"It's my turn." Harry whined. The alpha and his older brother Edward had both opened a bottle or three of wine earlier, and the effects were showing on Harry. He was needy and seductive, doing his best to show off his Alpha qualities. Qualities that attracted mates.

(Omegas couldn't handle much alcohol, with their usually petite forms. It was recommended that they stay as far away from liquor as possible)

Edward on the other hand was more subtle with his reaction to the drink. He had the same needy aspect, as he kept grabbing at Louis' wrists and ankles, nibbling on Louis' thin, tanned skin. He thought the Omega was delicious.

Marcel opted out of drinking, and he was happy with the decision. With his sober state, he was able to take the reigns and have Louis all to himself, pretty much. His clear minded state also helped him feel confident now. Louis' Omega was purring with all of the attention he was getting and it was a good sign.

They were so compatible.

"It's not your turn." Edward scowled, grip tightening on Louis' ankle. "It's my turn."

"They're so cute." Louis sighed, content as he rubbed a skinny finger up and down Marcel's chest. Even more hidden muscle. "So are you, Marcey." Marcel couldn't help but blush at the compliment. He felt as if he was royalty at the moment.

"I don't like that you don't have a mark on your neck." Harry narrowed his eyes, sitting up from his previous attempt at crawling into Louis' lap. "I want you to have my mark on your neck."

Marcel made an offended noise from deep in his chest.

"And my brothers." Harry corrected himself with a roll of the eyes. "It's offensive."

"Sorry Alpha." Louis giggled, each Alpha pausing their ministrations to bask in the pretty boys glow. "Do you really want me to have your mark?"

"Don't tease my brothers, Lou," Marcel frowned, before pulling at the thin skin of his ear roughly. "Especially in their inebriated state. That's not nice."

"Sorry, Alpha." Louis pouted, letting his hands fall to his sides.

Before Marcel could reply, the small weight on his lap was removed. "Hey!"

Harry was frowning, looking exceptionally disgruntled as he wrapped his arms around Louis. "I wanted a turn."

"Well then he's sleeping next to me." Edward snarled, letting one of his hands pet at an exposed sliver of skin from the tanned boys awkward position.

"You can all sleep next to me." Louis blushed bashfully, slipping a hand in the knotted curls Marcel was sporting. Edward's hair was to his shoulders and wavy, Harry's around ear length and curly, while Marcel's curls were tight and knotted. Each hairstyle made each so gorgeous.

"I like that idea." Harry grinned, showing off white, sharp teeth. Before anyone else could speak he jumped up and headed for the stairs, his identical siblings jumping up to follow.

Bed time was now, apparently.


When Louis woke up the next morning, it was to his alarm going off loudly on his phone.

He was hot and sweaty, feeling almost claustrophobic as he attempted to get up.

He realized why quickly enough, seeing three hot, muscled bodies surrounding him. He could tell Marcel and Harry were still asleep, soft rumbling coming from their chests.

But, Edward was definitely awake.

"Good morning, baby." He hummed, pressing his lips onto the skin of Louis' belly several times in quick succession. "What is it that is demanding your attention right now?"

"I'm going to be late for work!" The boy gasped, trying his best to sit up from the bed.

Edward was having none of that, though. He kept a tight grip on Louis' hips, burrowing further into the pudge of the Omega's tummy. "You don't need to work anymore, baby. You've got three daddy's to take care of you now."

Louis blushed crimson, eyes wide at the Alpha's comment. "But, you're not my Alpha's yet."

Edward's eyes flashed a dangerous red at the comment, sitting up to cover Louis' body with his own. "Are you rejecting us, Louis?"

"No," the boy whimpered, closing his eyes so he doesn't have to face the angry red on top of him. "No, daddy."

"That's what I thought, baby." A kiss was pressed to Louis' forehead than, warm arms wrapping around him to press him tighter against his body. "Calm down, I'm sorry for scaring you."

"Why'd you scare him?" A gruff, slurred voice said from Louis' right.

The boy turned his head, cheek pressed to Edwards chest, to see Harry rubbing his eyes sleepily. "Whas' wron'?" He grumbled, a frown on his face.

"Nothing, love." Louis hummed, reaching out to pet at the Alpha's jaw line. "Sorry for waking you."

"I like waking up to you." Harry replied, grin forming as he wiggled closer to his oldest sibling and future mate.

"I do as well." Edward announced, rubbing his nose against Louis' cheek. After he decided he was finished he sat up and shoved Marcel, making the boy jump up on edge.

"It's okay, Marcey." Louis cooed at the man, holding out his arms for him to go into. The Alpha smiled sleepily, any urgency he felt at a rude awakening evaporating at the sight of a messy haired Louis in his bed, surrounded by his brothers.

"Marcel, go make us breakfast." Harry pouted, ignoring Louis' outstretched arms in order to drape himself over the Omega. "Please?"

"I'll make breakfast."

"No." Three different voices growled, making the Omega lay back in bed.

"Well, why not?" Louis frowned, looking at each of them.

"We want to... Show you we deserve you first. We don't want any room for you to reject is later." Marcel explained once he saw neither of his other identicals answering. "Nothing against you of course, baby."

Louis smiled happily at the explanation, letting himself get comfortable against Harry's chest.

"Fine, then. Go ahead." Louis sighed, hopelessly endeared. "Come back to me."

"No need to worry about that."

The Triplets Mate [Styles/Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now