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On his next shift, Louis was walking into work with his tail between his legs.

He had left the Alpha's the night before, even though they whined and complained for him to stay with them.

Louis was his own person, and until they mated, he would continue to be.

He knew his Beta boss, Richard, would be furious with him today. The man was discriminatory, and treated his Omega employees like pieces of meat. The Omega uniforms were tighter, shorter, and we're all made to fit the Omega's nicely. Alpha's tended to not work in restaurants, but they shared Beta uniforms which were incomparable.

Louis was wearing his black skirt and tight white blouse today, his hair brushed back nicely. He wanted to look his best to deal with this man today.

"Tomlinson!" Louis flinched. "Where have you been?"

"I'm sorry, sir. I met my mates yesterday--"

"That's no excuse." The old man gritted his teeth. "You fucking Omega's. Fucking whores, the whole lot. Think getting some dick means you're a whole new person!" Louis walked backwards, looking around for someone to help him but was terrified over the fact that the employees nearby were pretending nothing was even happening.

"You're gonna have to do a whole lot to repay me," He scolded, eyes narrowed as he reached for Louis' arm. Louis whined, high and weak, wishing for someone, anyone, to just help him.

"Who the fuck do you think you're touching?" Louis gasped as he was yanked to the side, strong arms wrapping around his waist. "Who the fuck are you?" Louis purred into the broad chest he was nestled in, recognizing the scent as Harry's.

"So you're the Alpha he's whoring himself out to," Richard scoffed, sizing up the immaculately dressed man in front of him.

He was about to shout something else, but was stopped when Harry grabbed him by the throat. "You're lucky I'm the Alpha that showed up today, because if it was one of my other brothers, you'd be dead."

Richard gasped for air, face red and fingers gripping at Harry's hold. Harry dropped the man, sending a narrow eyed look to the employees that now decided to pay attention. "Mess with my Omega again, and you'll regret it."


"You're never working again." Harry pouted, face buried in Louis' stomach. "I'm going to tie you to the bed."

"Okay, Harry," Louis giggled, ready to do anything the man said. He saved him today. Who knew what Richard had planned?

"My brothers should be home soon." The older man announced, looking up to see Louis' expression. "Marcel and Edward will not be happy."

"Can we... not tell them?" Louis bit his lip when he saw the Alpha's expression. "Nevermind."

"You are our Omega. We will all trust and love each other like no other, do you understand? There are no secrets in this mating."

"I understand." Louis gulped, shifting away from the man. Harry grunted, wrapping his arms around the boys tiny waist and pulling him back.

"Where are you going?" He whined. "Stop moving from me, please." He was obsessed with this Omega and he was being so rude trying to move away.

They were interrupted by the sound of a door slamming and running feet. Immediately, Marcel and Edward appeared at the bedroom door, eyes narrowing in on the sight in front of them.

"What a lovely surprise." Edward hummed, while Marcel made quick work of shoving off his worn out boots and joining the cuddle. "I thought you had to work today, princess?"

Harry growled in response, a deep, terrifying sound that echoed through the room. Marcel and Edward's inner Alpha both answered the warning, and it caused Edward's eyes to gain a reddish hue.

"What happened?" Marcel was pissed, and knew that he would only get angrier by the looks of Harry. The boy was the most carefree of the bunch, so if the situation called for him to growl in such a way, it would be sure to cause a murderous rampage amongst his identicals.

"His boss," Harry spit the word like it was poison, "thought it'd be a good idea to threaten, and try to touch him today." Marcel got out of the bed, shaking visibly.

"He did what?" The triplet roared. Louis whimpered, an Omega sound that was used to ask for attention. "He touched you?"

"No," Louis whimpered once more. Edward, who hadn't made a noise the whole time, grabbed Louis from the bed and held him by his bum.

"You both better go take care of that, now."

The Triplets Mate [Styles/Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now