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"Shut up."

Harry and Edward shared a sigh, exchanging exasperated looks as Louis entered the kitchen.

He had black leggings on that molded around his sinful body, and a large tshirt that Edward recognized as Marcel's. The Alpha also knew that Marcel was the only one Louis wasn't a raging lunatic to lately. Lucky fucker.

Ever since they had gotten home a week ago, Louis was irritable and sensitive to everything. None of the triplets blamed him for it though. He had gotten kidnapped, and they kept secrets from him that affected his life. Of course he would be traumatized and angry at them.

But, today they were going to find out the genders of their pups, and get an idea as to what their pups would present as.

Edward had a feeling that they would be Alpha's because of how large Louis' stomach was already. Weight was a key hint as to what the children could turn out as, and Alpha's weighed the most.

"I cooked some pancakes for you, kitten." Harry cleared his throat, giving Louis a pathetic pout. Edward rolled his eyes. What a kiss ass.

"What kind?" He replied, attitude clear in his voice. Edward groaned quietly. He missed his little mate, but they had no idea what to do in a situation like this. How could he make this better?

Marcel walked in then, stark naked and eyes flickering as they have been for the past week. They had been exceptionally worried when Marcel hadn't gotten better when they got back home, but now didn't think much of it. His deep green eyes flickered back and forth between his natural color and the deep red of his Alpha. Edward assumed it was because of the scare they had received, that Marcel's Alpha was still insecure over the fact that his mate had been taken from him.

Marcel went straight to Louis, nuzzling into his neck with a possessive growl as the Omega giggled to himself. Edward was beginning to have a serious case of FOMO.

"I'm going to go get some work done before the appointment." Edward sighed, standing up. Harry hummed in response, and he walked passed Marcel and Louis, the latter being molested as he tried to make a plate for himself.

"Gosh, Marce, your Alpha is literally insatiable." He heard Louis whine half heartedly. It made him chuckle as he walked up the stairs. As much as he missed Louis, right now Marcel needed to be the Omega's priority anyways. Louis was the only one that could keep the mercurial Alpha calm at the moment.

As Edward reached the office, he took a seat in the chair and opened his laptop. He had a few emails to get back to, and he had a phone call to get through with their European branch.

He checked the time on his phone, setting an alarm for an hour, and got to work.


Right after Edward got off the business call, a knock came to the door. He checked his phone, panicking slightly that the alarm never went off, but saw that there was about ten minutes left for it.

The person on the other side of the door walked in at that point, and Edward was surprised to see that it was Louis.

The Omega looked anxious, biting his bottom lip and leaning back and forth on his feet. "Eddy?"

"What's up, princess?" Edward replied softly. He sat back from the desk, and grew even more shocked when the Omega took that as permission to get into his lap.

"'M sorry." He mumbled into his chest, voice slightly muffled.

"What do you have to be sorry for?" Edward questioned, trying to manhandle the Omega until he could see his face. When he finally gained eye contact with the boys pretty blues, he kept a grip on his chin to make sure his gaze didn't after. "You have nothing to be sorry for Louis. I mean that."

The Triplets Mate [Styles/Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now