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"Do you think I'm pregnant yet?"

"Jesus, Louis." Marcel's face was beet red, stumbling a bit as he packed his suitcase. "You can't just say stuff like that out of no where."

"Why not?" Louis was honestly confused as he lounged on the bed.

"You know that gets us hot and bothered." Marcel was still flushed down his neck. "We want you pregnant more than you want to even be pregnant, I think."

"Oh," Louis giggled, surprised at the admission. "I didn't know that, actually. Thank you for that."

"No problem." Marcel gave him a shy smile. "Do you want me to pack for you, baby doll?"

"No, daddy." Louis shook his head. "I'm just waiting for the last wash to go through. Don't close your suitcase because a couple shirts from our holiday are still in there."

"Oh, thank you." Marcel looked sappy, making Louis blush. "Such a good Omega, aren't you?"

Louis became bashful immediately, always prone to melting into a puddle when it came to compliments on his Omega.

He slid off the bed and crawled towards the Alpha, pressing kisses to his jaw. "Love you."

"As I love you, pretty baby."


"Have you ever been on a plane before?" Edward questioned, arm wrapped tight around Louis. The small boy seemed apprehensive as they walked over to the jet they had gotten for their business.

"No." Louis bit his lip. "I've never been out of Washington."

"Really?" Edward hummed, seemingly displeased with that. "We'll have to take a lot more vacations then." Louis shook his head in response, fond over his ridiculous Alpha.

Harry raced into the jet, the man being uncontrollably giddy all morning. He was obviously very excited to see his family, and be in his hometown.

Marcel was talking to someone a few steps ahead of them, watching as an attendant placed their luggage into the plane.

"Princess, I want to talk to you quickly." Edward cleared his throat. The couple stopped in the middle of the runway, Louis looking up at the man. "There's going to be a lot of craziness once we get home. I want you to always be with one of us, okay? It won't make much sense, but I promise that we will explain everything once we know how too."

Louis furrowed his eyebrows, slight frown on his face. "Okay, daddy. Just promise you won't keep this to yourself for much longer."

"I promise." Edward bent to press a kiss to the boy's lips. "I love you, darling."

"I love you too, my big bad Alpha."


The flight went by quickly for Louis, between hearing Harry tell him cute stories of the Triplets childhood, and being led to and from the small airplane bathroom by an aggressive Edward.

It worried Louis that Edward was this riled up about going home. Marcel was anxious as well, constantly biting at his finger nails and fidgeting in his seat.

Once they landed, the four were quick to gather their belongings they had with them and were shown off the jet, their luggage getting packed into a black SUV that was waiting for them outside.

"Are we staying with your family?" Louis questioned Marcel, leaning against his tall and lean body. The man slid an arm around his waist, sighing.

"I'm not sure. I'm positive our family will convince us to stay at least one night at home, but depending on how that works out is if we'll continue our stay at a hotel or not." They we're only staying for a couple of days, so it wasn't a big deal where they ended up to Louis. As long as his men were comfortable, he didn't care.

They all piled into the SUV after double checking that they had all of their things, and the driver set out towards the Styles house. Louis was biting at his lip the whole time.

"So, is it just your parents?" Louis questioned.

"We have an older brother and younger sister, either could be there." Marcel replied, clearing his throat as he nervously looked at his brothers.

Harry was finally quiet, subdued as he looked out the window, and Edward simply rolled his eyes. "Our older brother is a shit head, Louis." He looked over at Louis, grabbing his hand over his littlest brother and locking eyes with him. "You will not be by yourself with him at anytime. If he says anything I need you to tell me immediately."

Louis wasn't sure he liked that. "What about your sister? What's she like?"

"Gemma is a little out there." Harry spoke this time, small smile on his face. "She's more like me than anything. I think she'll love you."

"What about your parents? Will they like me?" Louis purred, moving to press a kiss to the man who was sitting in the front passenger seat. The driver in the seat next to him didn't seem at all phased.

"They'll adore you, or we'll leave." Harry spoke, voice rough. It startled Louis, the determined and almost angry tone.

What was Louis walking into?

The Triplets Mate [Styles/Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now