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Louis was shaking with nerves. He was finally here. It was finally the day of his appointment, to see if he was pregnant.

They were seated inside a room at the doctors, waiting for Dr. Patritski to come back with Louis' blood and urine tests. The triplets were sitting in tiny, uncomfortable looking chairs off to the side while Louis sat on the large bed in the middle of the room.

"I'm excited." Harry announced, knee bouncing. "Kitten, I love you."

"I love you too." Louis could feel his face flush. "I'm nervous. I hope I'm pregnant."

"Don't stress about it, princess." Edward gave him a look. "If you're not pregnant yet, don't worry. You will be."

Louis looked over at Marcel, to see if he had anything to say, but he was just sitting in the corner gnawing his nails off. Louis rolled his eyes fondly. What a dork.

Before anything else could be said, the blonde Beta woman walked back into the room, a happy expression on her face. "Alright! Just one final thing to do. Louis, would you mind laying down and pulling your shirt up for me?"

Immediately all three Alphas were at his side, Edward carefully moving the shirt himself. He gave the doctor a stern look, even though she was very obviously trying to hide her own laughter.

"Alright, I'm just going to go ahead and rub this onto your belly, if that's okay." Louis nodded, flinching a bit at the cold substance. She rubbed it over, before placing a remote looking thing over his belly.

She pressed hard on his stomach, and Louis bit his lip as he looked over at the large machine to the right of him. He watched as she moved the remote around, before she cooed.

"Well, would you look at that. You're definitely pregnant, sweetie."

Louis gasped happily at the news, looking over at the boys next to him. Harry's jaw was dropped, while Marcel was beaming excitedly. Edward didn't have much of an expression, besides the hard stare he kept on the machine.

"Is that---" He cut himself off, looking over at the doctor. Dr. Patritski chuckled, nodding her head. She messed around with the machine for a second before moving away from Louis and taking off her dirtied gloves.

"Louis, when I said you're definitely pregnant, I mean you're around six weeks pregnant with triplets." Louis' eyes widened in shock, moving his hands to his still sticky belly. He could feel the hardness under his palms, and felt tears well up in his eyes.

"Three?" He sniffled. "Three little babies?" The woman smiled, nodding her head before standing up.

"I'll give you guys a few minutes." She announced before walking out of the room, closing the door behind her.

As soon as the click of the door was heard, Louis immediately broke out into sobs. Marcel gasped, and helped Louis sit up and held him to his chest. "Baby doll, what's wrong?"

"I'm just so happy." Louis wailed. "I was so worried about being pregnant, when you guys already knocked me up three times over during my Heat!"

He could hear the mans chuckle in his ear, and lightly hit his arm. He knew he was probably ruining the mans shirt with the goo that he still hadn't cleaned off, but the moment was too beautiful to care.

"Hey," Harry whined. "I want to give my baby mama some loving."

Louis giggled a bit hysterically as Marcel let him go, Harry immediately pulling him into a passionate kiss. "God, kitten. You're having our babies."

Louis nodded his head, still sniffling. "I've never been this happy before."

"Neither have we." Edward hummed. Louis looked at him over Harry's shoulder and reached out with one of his hands, letting the Alpha intertwine their fingers. "You're going to raise our puppies so well, princess. I can't wait."

"God, I'm already a couple weeks along." Louis took a deep breath once Harry let go of him, accepting the paper towel that Marcel handed him to wipe his stomach, even though it was mostly off and covering Harry and Marcel's shirts already. "I can't wait to get a big belly."

He blushed, not meaning to say that out loud. "Is that strange?"

"Not at all." Edward shook his head. "I can't wait until you have a large bump either." His brothers agreed wholeheartedly, making Louis giggle.

There was a knock on the door then, and Dr. Patritski stuck her head in. "Everything alright?"

"Yes." Louis beamed. She smiled back, walking into the room. She handed a few squares to Marcel, who made a sound of surprise once he looked at them. "What's that?"

"Pictures from the ultrasound." The Beta answered. "You can't see much, but it is technically their first pictures."

"Wow," Louis began to tear up again. "am I going to be this emotion forever?"

The doctor laughed, shrugging her shoulders. "Every pregnancy is different. From what I hear, you haven't had much morning sickness,  correct?"

"No," Louis replied, breathing a sigh of relief. "There were a couple days where I felt a lot of nausea and dizziness, I still feel the dizziness sometimes, but never really the urge to actually throw up."

"Consider yourself lucky, then." She chuckled. "With my first child, I was over the toilet for 18 weeks. Not the most fun, I'll tell you that."

Louis' eyes widened at that, nodding his head in agreement. He would be miserable.

"Since you're still early in the pregnancy, and it being your first, I always recommend a few books." She handed him a paper with a list of names, and businesses. "There's also the numbers and addresses for some mommy yoga, and things like that if you're interested."

Louis made note of it all, nodding his head. He would at least try everything. He wanted his pups to be completely healthy and happy.

"Thank you so much." Louis gushed. "Is there anything I should be cautious with? Or things to expect?"

"Well, first of all, you're probably going to have to deal with a lot of bathroom trips and sleepiness in the upcoming weeks. It's completely normal, so don't worry about that if it comes up." She sent a look to the triplets. "Mood swings are also quite common once you hit the second month. You three, as Alphas, need to be able to interpret when something is actually bothering him, and when really all he needs is some ice cream or a nap."

"Another thing to not worry about, is if you start to feel any tenderness, or you notice some swelling in your pecs." She gave Louis an apologetic smile. "To be quite honest, you're going to get some growth in there until you begin to notice that you have breasts. This will bring you to the world of bras and nipple pads, as you get further into the pregnancy."

Louis was blushing scarlet at all of the information, but he had a feeling his Alphas were going to be enjoying all of this a whole lot.

They finished the appointment and made another one to be in two weeks, before leaving and heading out to the car.

"God, this is all so sexy." Harry groaned into Louis' ear, his body pressed against his back.

"Harry," Marcel scolded. "It's not all about the sexy parts. We have to take really good care of Louis in the next months, and especially after that. He's growing our puppies."

"I always take care of our Omega." Harry pouted, but by the tone of his voice Louis could tell that he was honestly upset by Marcel's words. "I don't even know where you're getting your information from."

"Both of you, relax." Edward sent them a look as he held the passenger door open for Louis to hop in. "We'll talk about this when we get home, alright? This is about Louis, not us."

The younger two of the triplets sighed before nodding their heads and sitting in the backseat. 

A lot of things were going to change, but one thing that wouldn't was the amount of love they all had for their Omega.

The Triplets Mate [Styles/Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now