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"I'm just saying," Louis scowled as he was bent over, cleaning off a stain Harry had caused but decided not to clean. "you guys wouldn't die if you decided to pick up after yourselves."

"I think I would." Harry grinned from his spot behind the boy, staring at his plump bum that was on full display.

Marcel and Edward had gone off to work a few hours earlier, leaving Louis and Harry to cuddle together in bed before beginning their day.

"Don't be an ass." Louis threatened, before a smile broke out on his face. "You wanna go on a date?"

"You want to date me?" If Harry was a dog, his tail would be wagging. "I want to date you so hard. Is that mutual?"

"Yes it is baby." Louis cooed, sitting himself in the Alpha's lap, a leg on either side. "Where do you wanna go?"

"Where do you wanna go?" Harry retorted, sucking kisses onto Louis' neck. "I'll take you where ever you want to go."

"I dunno." Louis hummed. "Take me somewhere to eat."

Harry gave his affirmative, prompting Louis to jump up and jog towards the boys room. He had a small duffel with some clothes that he had grabbed from his apartment a few days before and was just recycling the outfits.

He wasn't sure exactly when he'd be able to detach himself from the triplets.

He slipped on a pair of tight blue jeans (he had to dance around in order to get them over his bum, but that wasn't new) and grabbed a tshirt of Edward's that was lying on the floor.

"You ready, pumpkin?" Harry called as he entered the bedroom. He was wearing black jeans and a patterned button up, his long hair sitting on his shoulders.

"Yes sir." Louis replied, pressing a kiss to the mans lips. "Ready when you are."


Harry had taken him to a nice Italian restaurant, and proceeded to order one of every dessert available in order to please the Omega.

"You really know how to go above and beyond when a sweet thing like me has a craving." Louis announced with a flutter of his eyelashes. Harry preened.

"Anything for my sweet thing." He replied with a pucker of his lips. "Do you want to visit Ed and Marcel?"

"Yes I would." Louis grinned at the thought. "What do they do, though?"

"We own a couple distributing companies, along with some bars and resorts around the world." Harry stated with a shrug. "I don't really understand most of it."

"That's quite a bit." Louis was honestly a bit shocked. No wonder the boys had such expensive taste. They could all obviously afford it.

"Yeah. Edward's really the face of it, while Marcel works more behind the scenes." Harry took a bite of a cannoli, Louis getting a bit distracted by how he ate, tongue first. "I'm not good at business or numbers. I usually just spend the money."

Louis frowned at how self depreciating the statement was, leaning over the table to give the man a heated kiss. "You do more than just spend money, baby. You take care of me."

"Yeah," Harry grinned. "You're right. I do take care of you."

"Yes you damn well do." Louis giggled. He took a final bite of some cheesecake before standing up and stretching. "Can we go visit them now?"

"Sure, kitten." Harry hummed as he stood up. "I used to go interrupt them all the time at work because I was bored." He looked at Louis from the corner of his eye, seeming a bit eager. "But now I don't have to be, because I'll be taking care of you."

The Triplets Mate [Styles/Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now