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Louis woke up to a finger running itself up and down the side of his body, naked save for a thong.

With a quick inhale, Louis is able to figure out that the man in front of him is Edward.

"Good morning, princess." Edward's voice was still raspy from waking up.

"Morning, daddy." Louis yawned, letting his eyes blink open to look at him. It's only them in the bed, no sign of Harry or Marcel. "Where's Marcel? Did Harry ever come to bed last night?"

"He went with our mother to a charity luncheon a little bit ago." Edward grunted, obviously displeased. "Marcel just went down to get some breakfast to bring up here."

"Breakfast in bed? Is that allowed?" Louis teased, trying to lessen the tension. Edward bit the bait, grinning in response to his Omega's humor.

"I know, fun isn't really allowed in this house, is it?" Edward chuckled, rolling over so he was leaning over Louis.

"I love you." Louis whispered, moving to nudge their foreheads together. "In case you didn't know."

"I love you too, my little minx." Edward grinned as he slapped at the side of Louis' bare thigh. "Do you wake up in the middle of the night to strip or is that something you do when you're unconscious?"

"I usually sleep with clothes," Louis blushed, giggling. Of course his Alpha noticed. "But lately I've just been getting so hot in the middle of the night, I wake up just to take off my pajamas."

"I have no complaints about that." Edward winked, making Louis cackle, kicking at his sides.

"You dork." Louis grinned, loving the playful mood between them. The opening of the bedroom door interrupted them, and Louis beamed at the sight of Marcel with a large tray of food.

"Hey, baby doll." Marcel grinned, obviously amused by the sight in front of him. "Got you some pancakes."

"Oh," Louis cooed. "My favorite. Thank you, daddy."

"Anything for my Lou." Marcel was radiating the same playful mood Edward was, and it was affecting Louis greatly. All he wanted to do was play with his mates.

He wished Harry was there.

"Come on, let's eat." Edward nudged Louis' chin with his head, rolling back over into his own space. Louis moved over to allow Marcel to sit next to him, wanting to be in the middle of the two Alpha's.

As Louis was finishing his food, he felt one of the boys try to slide behind him. He rolled his eyes, and stopped himself from making a snarky comment, instead just moving up in order to let Edward sneak behind him.

It was then, that Louis realized Edward was even more naked than he was.

The Alpha was moving his cock head up and down between Louis' cheeks, making the Omega blush and arch his back into the touch. "So that's what kind of morning this is? You want to fuck in one of your moms guest rooms?"

"Wanna fuck you." Marcel hummed from beside the two, pressing a kiss to Louis' jaw. He moved the food tray out of the way before pressing close to him again. "Always look so beautiful in the mornings. All the time, really. It's so hard to hold our Alpha's back."

Louis moaned, bashful all of a sudden, as Marcel sucked kisses into Louis' skin and Edward rubbed at Louis' already leaking hole through the line of his thong.

The morning had taken a sudden turn that Louis didn't expect, but he was completely alright with.

Marcel pushed Louis back so that he was laying against Edward, and moved to lay between Louis' spread legs. He pulled down the only clothing Louis had on, and threw them behind him as he eyed Louis up and down.

The Triplets Mate [Styles/Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now