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"Oh, fuck yeah, daddy," Louis groaned out, feeling Edward's teeth graze his neck. Edward had a tight hold on Louis' hair, pulling back as he pounded into him from behind.

It was day three, and Louis could feel his head becoming clearer. He had spent the first two days with Marcel at his beck and call, the Alpha trying to fuck his way out of his rut.

Now, he was downstairs passed out on the couch with Edward pleasuring Louis.

"Daddy, please bite me." Louis gasped. "I need you to bite me daddy."

"Not yet, princess." Edward growled, feeling his knot begin to form. They had all agreed that'd it'd be best to wait until after Louis was out of Heat to mark him. They wanted it to be special, and they planned to make it a big deal.

Louis whimpered at that, head hanging as Edward relaxed his grip on the Omega's hair. He placed both large paws on his tiny waist, thrusting hard and fast to chase his orgasm.

Louis let out a scream, voice hoarse from all of the noise he's been making. Edward's knot was formed, and the man kept moving as he began coming.

"Daddy, 's good." He mumbled into the pillow he fell into. Edward was still trying to catch his breath, rubbing circles into the boys sides.

"Yeah, princess?" The man grunted, bending carefully in order to press kisses down the small boys spine. "You love getting fucked, don't you?"

Louis hummed in response, exhaustion catching up with him. He was so hot and he needed to cool down, but he was also just as tired.

It was common for Omega's to hide away and sleep for up to two or three days after a Heat. Sometimes, during a Heat, an Omega wouldn't get any sleep whatsoever.

Once Edward's knot softened, he slipped out and stuck his fingers into the Omega's hole in order to keep the come from slipping out. He moved them slowly, making Louis moan in response.

"How do you feel, princess?" He questioned. Louis hummed, unable to form anything coherent. He was hungry though, and he tried to explain that by moving the mans free hand to his stomach. "You hungry?"

Edward called out for Harry, who was quick to race up the stairs and walk into the guest bedroom they moved into. Marcel was so aggressive he almost tore their bedroom apart.

Harry's eyes were dark as he looked at the scene in front of him, hard cock being shown off from how tight his jeans were.

"You can have your turn, brother." Edward announced, sitting up. "I'm going to clean up, and then get him food. Take care of him."

With that, he placed a kiss to Louis' bitten red lips and walked out of the room. Harry quickly took off his clothing, crawling into bed and pulling a pliant Louis into his arms.

"Hi, kitten." He hummed, rubbing Louis' sides. The Omega cooed in response, crawling onto the mans chest and straddling him. Louis rocked down on the mans groin, moaning loudly.

Harry growled in response, gripping at the base of his cock and leading it into the boy's hole. He groaned as he felt Louis' tight heat around him, and rocked up so he was swallowed up completely.

Louis was pliant on his chest, biting at his index finger as Harry fucked into him fast and hard. He was too tired to do much else, but he needed all his Alpha's knots.

Once Harry came, Louis could feel the last of his Heat wash off him in waves. He no longer felt that he needed dick to survive, but instead really wanted some food and a bath.

"How do you feel, kitten? You with me?" Harry wrapped his arms around the Omega's little waist and bent to kiss the top of his sweaty head.

"Yeah, daddy. I feel good." Louis managed to moan out. His voice was raspy and weak, probably from the fact that he was using it to its full extent the past couple of days.

Edward popped into the bedroom then, holding a tray with what looked like soup, some bread, and water on top.

"The best." Louis cleared his throat, beaming up at the man. He responded with a grin and a wink, sitting next to the couple still tied together.

Once Harry's knot went down, Louis sat up and cringed at his bloated stomach and leaking hole. "I'm going to take a shower, daddy's."

"I'll go with you, darling." Harry hummed, sitting up with the boy still straddling him. He wrapped Louis' legs around his waist and stood up, Louis squealing excitedly as he was carried to the adjoining bathroom.

"I'll put the food on the bedside, baby!" Edward called from behind them. "I'm gonna check on Marcel."

Louis shouted an affirmative, giggling when Harry attempted to multitask with turning the shower on and keeping a hold on the Omega.

Once the water was turned on and the temperature was checked, Harry placed Louis on his feet inside. They huddled together under the shower, Harry playfully nipping at his neck.

"I can't wait to be mated to you three." Louis sighed, content. He washed his hair and body, then went ahead with washing Harry's as well. The Alpha had to bend at the knees for him to reach, but the smile on Louis' face was worth the uncomfortable position.

Once they got out of the shower, the couple quickly got dressed and ate. The food settled, still warm, in Louis' tummy, making him feel comfortable and sated. His lower half had a familiar ache, but he loved it. He felt connected to his Alpha's still.

It would feel even better once he had their bites on his neck.

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