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Edward remembers seething anger mixed with terror. He remembers waking up, and the feelings lingering around him from his nightmare, and he remembers not feeling his pregnant mate lying next to him.

He doesn't remember what happened after that.

Now, though, he was waking up on the kitchen floor with a pounding ache in his head. He turned to look out the glass French doors leading out to the yard, and acknowledged the fact that the sun was rising. Why was he down here, waking up now, when he remembers waking up when the moon was still up?

He sat up and ran a hand through his short hair, flinching as his hand grazed a bump on the back of his head. What the fuck happened last night?

"Oh!" He jumped up when he realized the little voice came from his Omega, and gathered him in his arms.  He scented his neck where his brothers marks laid, and found himself melting against the boy.

"Are you okay? What happened? Why am I down here?"

"You don't remember?" Louis bit his lip, looking guilty. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you that hard."

"What?" Edward's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I woke up around three in the morning because I was starving and really wanted some peanut butter and jelly. So I came downstairs to have a sandwich or two, but before I could go back up you came downstairs shaking and losing it." Louis looked lost in thought, lips pursed before pressing a soft kiss to Edward's chin. "You scared me. I thought you were having a seizure or something. You were growling and pacing like a maniac, so I hit you with the pan I had next to me." Louis gave him a big pout and puppy eyes.

"Fuck," Edward sighed, a nauseous feeling filling his gut. He could have seriously hurt Louis and his pups last night because of the effects his current nightmares were giving him. "I'm so sorry baby."

"No way." Louis rejected the apology, shaking his head and giving him another kiss. "You weren't trying to hurt me or anything. You were just trying to aggressively love on me and it freaked me out a little and I exaggerated a lot. It wasn't at all anything that made me afraid of you."

The Alpha couldn't believe the creature standing in front of him. How he got the honor to knock up such a beautiful and understanding Omega is beyond him.

"Anyways," Louis cleared his threat and raised an eyebrow. "do you know why you were freaking out?"

Edward caught himself being reluctant to tell Louis about the nightmares, but shook his head in order to ignore the uneasy feeling. This was his mate and the mother of his pups, he could trust him with anything.

"I've been having nightmares lately." Edward admitted with a sigh. Louis frowned at that, and cuddled into his chest, asking for him to further explain. "I think I just got set off. I remember waking up from it and still being upset, and then I kind of lost it once I realized you weren't near me. I don't remember much after that, though."

"Oh my poor big, bad Alpha." Louis pouted, and wrapped his arms around Edward's neck, pulling him down in order to press a kiss to his plump lips. "I'm sorry, daddy. What are your nightmares about?"

"Can we talk about it another time, princess?" Edward had a wince on his face. "I really don't want to talk about it right now."

"Of course." Louis pulled him down once more, but instead of the gentle peck he had given him before, immediately went in tongue first.

Edward hummed, pleasantly surprised, and placed his hands on Louis' hips before pulling him closer. He only stopped his manhandling once they were pressed as close as possible, and Louis moaned into the kiss because of it.

"What a sight." Louis giggled as he pulled away from Edward, winking at Harry and Marcel who were standing in the doorway.

Harry was wearing only a pair of tight briefs, while Marcel had on some low slung grey sweatpants, his happy trail and slightly toned stomach making Louis drool.

"Don't be such a slut for it, Lou." Edward chuckled, poking the boy in the side. Louis playfully snarled at him, making the Alpha beam.

"What do you guys want for breakfast?" Louis questioned, suddenly completely energized. Because of his late night eating habit, he didn't get much sleep at a time, and was a bit groggy usually. But now, especially after Edward's episode, he was wide awake and ready to please his Alphas.

"Can you make some biscuits and gravy?" Marcel perked up, hopeful glint in his eyes. Louis melted at the sight and nodded his head immediately.

"Of course, daddy." He flashed him his best smile, and felt a burst of adoration for the Alpha when he blushed in return. "Any other requests?"

"Can you make something sweet too, kitten?" Harry pressed a wet kiss to his cheek. "I don't care what it is, whatever's easiest."

"Anything for you, baby daddy number three." Harry made a face at that, flexing his fingers against the skin of Louis' hips that was visible from his shirt riding up.

"Why am I number three? I don't like this numbering system."

"You're the youngest, H." Marcel rolled his eyes, taking a seat at the island. "Of course you're number three."

"Well I vote out of this nickname. I think we should all be equal baby daddies." Harry argued, pouring ridiculously.

"You're ridiculous." Louis shook his head, face palming. "I can't believe I'm having your babies. All three of you."

"We love it." Edward growled in his ear, making Louis squeak in surprise, flush growing on his cheeks. "Go ahead and cook baby, let us know if you need any help."

"Thank you." Louis hummed, giving him a kiss before moving away from his warmth and over toward the fridge.

He had gotten out everything he needed, humming as he cooked, when three phones all started going off at the same time.

Louis turned around, confused, watching as the triplets all stared each other down. Marcel and Harry had their phones in plain view, and it was obvious they were both receiving a call. From the third annoying shrieking, Louis guess Edward's phone was downstairs somewhere and going off as well. "What's that?"

"Don't worry about it sweet cheeks, it's just an alarm." Edward answered for them. "We wanted to make sure we were up by now so we didn't sleep the day away."

Louis furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, because he was sure that those were calling screens on the boys phone, and not an alarm notification.

He shrugged it off. If something important was going on, he trusted that the boys would tell him.

I thought I asked you guys this before, but I guess not! Anyone have any name suggestions? How about three girl names and three boy names so we don't give anything away? ;) xx

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