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Once Harry made his dramatic exit, Louis took a deep breath. He was going to kill his mates today, probably, and he would have to be prepared for it.

He stepped into the office, arms crossed and a scowl on his face, and stared down the remaining boys that were in the room.

Marcel was cringing in his extravagant office chair, one hand tangled into his hair, while Edward was staring out the window with his shoulders drawn tight.

"What's going on?" Louis' voice was loud in the silent room, but neither of his Alpha's flinched. Their time had run out, and now they had to talk to Louis about what happened. "You three have been hiding something from me. I know that, I don't understand it, but I've acknowledged it. I don't know whether it was some ridiculous way to try to keep me safe, or if you lot are just secretly being scumbags, but I deserve to know."

"No---" Marcel shook his head immediately. "No, baby doll. We just wanted to keep you safe."

"Okay, well obviously this is getting too overwhelming for you three now." Louis argued, getting more and more impatient with the situation. "What the fuck is going on?"

"Our father won't leave us alone." Edward cleared his throat. His back was still facing Louis, and the Omega hated it. "Ever since we got back, he's been hacking into our phones and sending us threatening messages. He wants us to be involved with the family business again, but we don't want that kind of life for our own family."

Louis bit his lip and took a seat in the small love seat in the corner of the room, sighing. He should've known this had something to do with their parents. "Why did Harry just storm out of here?"

"We think he gave our family too much hope." Marcel answered this time. "I had a feeling that he was keeping in contact with our mother still--- and I was right. He got upset because we caught him and confronted him about it."

"Jesus," Louis huffed, rubbing his eyes. What did he get himself into? Why can't his life ever be easy?

The Omega placed a hand over his rounded belly, and felt tears come to his eyes. He was going to bring his babies into a world where they had to look over their shoulder constantly.

If he had known about all of this to begin with, Louis wasn't sure if he'd have mated with the triplets to begin with.

"Princess---" Louis put his hand up, stopping Edward from continuing. Both of the boys could feel his heartbreak, and wanted nothing more than to embrace him and try to calm him down.

"Go find your brother." Louis' voice shook as he spoke, but he kept going. "After that, we'll talk about what's going to happen now."

Marcel and Edward exchanged uneasy looks. They didn't like the sound of that.


It took a while to get Marcel and Edward out of the house, but they finally left with the promise of returning soon with their youngest brother in tow.

Louis had shrugged off their hugs and kisses and walked up to their bedroom, hearing the door close not long after that. He was exhausted, and he was stressed out over what would be the best point of action for he and his babies now.

What could they possibly do? They were basically on the run from a mob now. Louis wasn't sure there was any kind of escape from something like that.

He made his decision and began to pack a bag, thinking that the best idea would to go stay at Liam's for a little while until the boys found a way to figure this all out. He wasn't going to leave them, but he had to take his babies out of this dangerous equation until he knew they would be safe.

The Omega was surprised when he heard the door downstairs open as he was just about finished packing, and took a deep breath. He knew the boys wouldn't be at all happy with his decision, and he hoped they would understand that he does love them with all of his heart.

His babies had to come first now, though.

He could hear the creaking of floor boards as they reached the bedroom door, and he turned around as the doorknob began to turn. He was slightly confused because it sounded like only one person coming up the stairs, and once he inhaled deeply, realized he didn't recognize the scent.

His eyes widened in fear, but before he could do anything, the door was slammed open and a man walked inside.

"I can't believe they actually left you by yourself." The Alpha in front of him chuckled. Louis was shaking as he took a few steps back until his back touched the wall. "I've heard all of these things about how strong and powerful your Alpha's are, but they're obviously not that smart."

Louis couldn't even speak, instead putting all his will into sending distress signals to his mates. What was going to happen to him?

"We're going to make this easy." The Alpha got closer and closer, and pulled out a dark cloth from his pocket. "You get to take a nice long nap, while I do all the hard work."

Louis was only able to let out a single desperate whine before the cloth covered the lower half of his face, effectively knocking him out.


The next time Louis woke up, he was groggy and starving. His head was killing him, and his ears felt like they needed to pop.

He was confused for only a moment though.

He remembered quickly what had happened. He looked around the bedroom he was in, recognizing it as the same one that he and the boys had stayed in when they visited the Styles before.

"Fuck," Louis whispered to himself. He got up from the bed and went toward the large window in the room, peaking behind the curtain to try to get a handle on himself. It was dark outside, and he could see guards stationed all over the place. Would his Alpha's even be able to save him?

"Louis," The Omega jumped in fear, turning around, not at all shocked to see Des standing in the doorway. The man was wearing an all black suit, salt and pepper curls slicked back and a cocky expression on his face. Louis hated him. "glad to see you're awake. How're you feeling?"

"Why did you take me?" Louis questioned angrily. "What do I have to do with any of this? If all you want is your sons, then stop being a psychopath!"

Des simply rolled his eyes. "Anyways, I'm expecting the boys to arrive shortly. Of course, unless there's other people that could have kidnapped you?" At Louis' silence, the old man chuckled. "Sorry, just trying to lighten to mood."

Louis was shocked. He knew the boys father was crazy, but to this extent? He feared for not only his own life, but the lives of the babies in his stomach.

"The Triplets have two options." Des continued through Louis' silence. "Either they come back home, and you can live, or they refuse and you die."

Louis knew that was the likely situation, but it didn't stop his heart from dropping.

"It's gotten late." The man announced with a look at his watch. "I'll send one of the Beta's up with some food for you, and then you should rest."

Louis kept his silence as he walked back towards the bed in the middle of the room, sitting on it and refusing to turn his gaze to the man in front of him.

Des began to leave the room, but before he left, gave Louis a creepy grin. "I hope that the boys make the right choice. I'd love to meet my grandchildren."

And with that, the door slammed shut, lock sounding soon after. Louis felt tears spring to his eyes, and he covered his mouth in order to keep his sobs quiet.

He hoped that his mates would come save him soon.

Okay, so my plan so far is that this story is going to end in a few chapters. BUT I will be doing a sequel!! I love this story too much to let it go, and I have so much planned for it still. xxx

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