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Louis was awoken to the smell of food, and a body rolling on top of his.

He whimpered, confused, and rubbed at his eyes. "Come on, kitten, it's okay. It's just me."

"Hi daddy." Louis mumbled, opening his eyes to see a happy Harry holding himself above him.

"Marcel's bite looks gorgeous." Harry announced, staring at the pristine bond mark on the left side of Louis' neck, high enough that everyone could see it.

"Are--- are you gonna bond me too, daddy?" Louis was blushing from his face and down his neck, not sure what answer he would get.

"If you'd let me, baby, I'd love to mark you as mine." Harry's eyes were wide and earnest, and it made Louis smile. The Omega wrapped his arms around the mans neck, pulling him into a passionate kiss.

"But first, babe, you need to eat and get some energy." Harry rolled away, and a tray replaced him. It looked like a turkey club with extra avocado, which made Louis smile. His man knew what he liked.

"Thanks daddy." Louis puckered his lips, and Harry was quick to press their lips together for a chaste kiss. "Where's Eddy and Marcy?"

"We got two rooms for today." Harry explained, pointing at a door on the other side of the room, next to the bathroom. "It's adjoining. We wanted us all to have our own time with you when we bond. We'll all be together again tomorrow."

Louis could feel affection swimming through his bond with Marcel, and made sure to send the same feelings back to him. He was aware of how much he missed the two boys in the other room, but right now, he was happy to have some one on one time with each of them. This was special, and it called for things to be seriously accounted for. Everything would be back to normal once there was three bite marks on Louis' body.

"Marcel's very traditional, that's why he bit you on the neck." Harry hummed quietly, watching Louis eat. "I know where I want to mark you. I still don't know where Edward will mark you, but I'm sure it will be ridiculous."

Louis giggled, nodding his head. Knowing Edward, he'd probably bite him on his bum or something. "He'd probably bite me on my bum." Louis voiced his thoughts.

"Hmm, now there's a thought." Louis giggled at Harry's mischievous smirk, pushing the tray of his scraps away. "All done, Lou?"

"Yeah, daddy, I'm all done." Louis was pliant and bashful now, looking up at Harry through his eyelashes. Now that he knew what was going on, he wasn't sure how to act.

"Don't be shy, darling." Harry's voice wasn't anything more than a whisper as he pressed their foreheads together, hand coming up to caress Louis' cheek. "You're all I need."

"I love you." Louis' voice was hushed to match Harry's.

"As I love you, my baby." Harry smiled, soft, pressing the Omega close to him in order to connect their lips. Louis responded by crawling into his lap, grinding down on the mans groin.

From Louis' movements, the white quilt was discarded, revealing his naked body in Harry's lap. Harry groaned at the sight, biting at Louis' bottom lip and cupping his bum.

"The things you do to me, kitten." Harry groaned, grinding up against the small boy. Louis whined at the feeling, reaching down between them to undo the mans pants.

Once they were unzipped, Harry was quick to kick them off and remove his shirt as well. Once he was naked, Louis immediately moved to get back into his lap, rubbing at his muscled body.

"Daddy," Louis pouted, rolling his hips. His bum ground against Harry's rapidly fattening cock, making him let out groans of pleasure. "please, fuck me."

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