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Louis was in complete, utter bliss.

After hiding away for a weekend with his three mates, they were now back in their own home, where they had already christened every room with their new bonds.

The Omega was now resting in the living room, ear pressed against Marcel's chest as he listened to the heartbeat of his sweet Alpha.

The man was in and out of sleep, his heartbeat slow and steady. They had previously been making out on the couch, but they were both too tired to do anything more than that.

Edward had gone into work, not being able to call out as his younger brother did, and Harry was in the kitchen cooking them all dinner.

It was sweet and domestic in a way that Louis never knew he wanted.

Harry entered the living room, clad in only an apron. It made Louis giggle, and at the sound Harry beamed.

He scooped the Omega off of his sleeping brothers chest, holding him close. "Hi kitten."

"Hi daddy." Louis replied back, voice soft as he nuzzled into the mans neck. Harry let his hands wander on the boy's body, gripping at his full bum.

Louis whined at the touch, sore and content.

"Do you think I'm pregnant, daddy?" Louis hummed, honestly curious. Harry's only reply was a whimper, grip tightening. "You want me pregnant with your pups?"

"Yes," Harry's voice was deep and gravely. "I want that so bad, kitten. Want you full of me all the time."

"Full of your brothers too." Louis reminded him, as if Harry could ever forget. It was the hottest thing the Alpha could imagine. "You want me big and pregnant?"

"Gonna be big and pregnant." Harry promised. "Gonna have multiples. Gonna have a baby with all of us."

Louis could sense Harry's Alpha making an appearance, the conversation hitting every primal urge the Alpha has.

"What's going on in here?" The haze that was put over the couple was snapped as Edward made an appearance in the house, looking rugged and sexy in his suit. "Am I interrupting something?"

"Daddy," Louis grinned, sliding down Harry's body to go greet the oldest triplet. The man bent to connect their lips in a kiss, hand moving down his body until he could grip exactly where he knew his mark was. "how was work?"

"I've got a surprise for you three, actually." Edward replied. He looked over at Harry, "Dinner done?"

"Yeah, I'll take it off the warmer and set the table. Lou, would you like to help?"

"Of course." Louis beamed, pressing one more kiss to Edward's lips before jogging into the kitchen with his other lover.

Edward went towards Marcel who was still snoring on the couch, nudging the man until he woke up. "Oh, hey Eddy." He coughed as he sat up. He wiped the sleep out of his eyes before stretching out. "What's up?"

"Dinners done. Also, I wanted to run something by you quickly." Marcel's expression turned serious in order to match his brothers. "I got a call today from mom."

"Fuck." Marcel groaned, flopping backwards. "What'd she say?"

"Asked how we've been doing, if we've given any thought to her proposition." Edward pursed his lips. "Told her we fell in love and we'd love to bring him home."

"You did what?" Marcel hissed, eyes wide as saucers. "Edward, what the fuck?"

"I know." Edward sighed. "I shouldn't have opened my mouth at all."

"Can we just fly them here?" Marcel's stress was rising, causing his voice to rise with it. "I'm not taking Louis there. I don't want him to hear something ridiculous. We just mated, Edward."

"You know they won't fall for that." Edward sighed. "I fucked up. But it's okay. There's three of us, Marce. We'll just have to make sure one of us is always with him. I won't let anything affect our mating, you should know that."

"I know." Marcel sighed. "Okay. Alright. We'll be fine."

"I just needed the hear that." Edward gave a little half smile. He loosened his tie, and reached down to help his brother up.

They looked like polar opposites, Marcel shirtless with only a pair of sweatpants on, while Edward looked pristine in his work outfit.

Both looks made Louis drool, anyways.

The table was set when they walked in, spaghetti and what seamed to be homemade garlic bread served on four different plates. Harry was already sitting down, heart eyes set on Louis as he cut vegetables for a salad.

"Is the bread homemade?" Edward's stomach grumbled at the delectable smell.

"Our pretty housewife made it for us." Marcel giggled, pointing toward Louis. The boy was wearing capri leggings that showed off his fat bum, and a large shirt that looked to be one from Marcel's alma mater.

Edward went up to him, wrapping his arms around him from behind to watch him as he worked.

"Not just our pretty housewife, our sexy Omega." The man growled playfully, nipping at his neck. Louis giggled, attempting to shrug the man away.

"Hey, you, let me get to the table. I'm hungry." Louis hummed. Edward chuckled as he released the boy, watching as his hips swung on his way to the table.

Once they were all seated and eating, Louis perked up. "Hey, what's the surprise?"

"Oh," Edward coughed, making eye contact with Marcel. The younger triplet rolled his eyes in response. "we're going to be flying over to California in a few days to spend some time with family."

Harry gasped, obviously excited. "Since when? I didn't realize this was a thing."

"I talked to mom today." Edward took a large gulp of his scotch. Louis narrowed his eyes at that, knowing there was more to this. He just didn't understand why Harry seemed to be the only one excited to visit home.


Louis managed to corner Edward in his study later on.

Marcel was in the shower and Harry was already in bed, Edward excusing himself in order to get a few last minute things done before work in the morning.

"I feel like something is being hidden from me." Louis pouted as he sat on the mans lap.

He had changed out of his suit, now looking comfortable in only a pair of tight briefs and a white tshirt. "What?"

"Why aren't you and Marcel as happy as Harry about going home?" Louis questioned. Edward sighed, rubbing at the soft skin of Louis' thigh.

"It's a long story, darling, not worth your trouble." Edward pressed a kiss on the boy's lips when he saw him start to complain. "Just some old family issues. Harry's too kind, likes to see the best in everyone, which is why he doesn't let the tension get to him."

"My silly boys." Louis smiled, giving him one last kiss. "Okay, don't stay in here too long. I'd like to snuggle." Edward chuckled, nodding his head.

"I'll be there in a bit, princess. Love you." Louis gave him a fond look.

"Love you too, daddy."

Hey guys!! I have a new story I posted about Rockstar!Harry and Model!Louis if you'd like to check it out. It's called Hey Angel xxxx

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