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Louis was not hiding.

Okay, maybe he was.

But he had every right to. The triplets had stayed for the whole rest of his shift, eyeing the omega until they saw him clock out.

The oldest, Edward, had demanded the right to give Louis a ride home. Which, hey, he wasn't going to complain about. If he didn't ride home with them he would have had to wait for the five o'clock bus.

The youngest, Harry, had held Louis in his lap the whole car ride, scenting the boy while the two older boys watched and mumbled to each other in the front.

Once they reached Louis' apartment, they all gave him their numbers and requested his, pressing kisses all over his face (but not his lips, Louis had to admit they were respectful), before letting him hop out of the car and go home.

But now here was Louis, two hours later, finally able to sit down and take in all that happened. He had never had such a strong reaction to an alpha, let alone three of them.

He had no idea what this all meant.

His phone was turned off next to him, while he was sitting in the corner of his bedroom wrapped in every blanket he owned, only his eyes peeking out. Liam would be home any second and would definitely freak the fuck out.

Louis finally took a deep breath and turned his phone on, watching in terror as it repeatedly went off. There were several texts, and a few missed call notifications from Liam.

Liam was a false alarm, though, as his texts show that he was just wondering what he wanted for dinner. Louis rolled his eyes at the thought, Liam knew his order from every place they go to by heart. What a dork.

The other texts on his phone, though, made him flush.

There was one from Marcel, such a sweetheart by the looks of it. He had the most manners out of the trio.

From: Marcel
Hello, Louis. Would you join us for dinner tomorrow?

From: Harry
I can't stop thinking about you.

From: Harry
I've been with many omegas-- none have come anywhere close to you.

From: Harry
Are you upset with me for saying that? I'm sorry baby. I'll never have another omega.

From: Harry
I'm sorry. Answer me.

Louis didn't realize that he was frowning until after he read all the texts. They had many omegas? Than why did they want anything to do with him?

"Louis?" The omega could hear Liam call out, door slamming. There were quick footsteps outside his door before it burst open. "Is there an Alpha here? Why does it smell like Alpha, Lou? What happened? Were you--" The man cut himself off, face dropping in terror.

"No!" Louis squealed. He knew what Liam thought, and the triplets had done the complete opposite. "I met someone. Well, people. I met people. Triplets to be exact."

"Triplets!" Liam's eyes widened, walking toward Louis and sitting by him. "What happened today?"

From: Harry
Are you with the Alpha I smelled on you earlier?  I am the only Alpha you should be with.

From Harry:
Louis, I'm serious.

From: Harry
I'm coming.

"Oh, Jesus." Louis breathed out, looking at the texts.

"Oh Jesus is right! Who the hell are these guys Louis?" Liam jumped up, eyes flashing from the usual brown to a dangerous red.

"Stop." Louis rolled his eyes at the testosterone that was radiating off the ready-to-fight Alpha in front of him. "Harry's being very hypocritical right now."

"What?" Liam had no idea what the fuck was going on. Who even was Harry?

"He's the youngest triplet. At work today I served their table and I have never had such a strong reaction to alphas before. Can you believe it Liam? And they're so, wow. You should see them." Louis squirmed at the memory of the boys, blush setting on his cheeks.

"Geeze, Lou. Settle down." Liam wrinkled his nose at the omega pheromones the small boy was releasing.

Louis kept rambling on about the boys, hearts in his eyes and hole threatening to produce slick.

Liam had never seen his friend like this.

A harsh banging interrupted them, the new Alpha scent making Louis moan in satisfaction.

Harry was here.

So this story is probably going to be pretty short, or extremely long. I haven't decided yet. I'll probably make my decision based on how many people end up reading this.
Please comment and vote!! Xx

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