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*fans self* woooooo is it hot in here or is it just me

"I'm sorry I lied." Harry's voice was muffled as he buried his face into his neck. "I'm sorry, kitten."

Louis hid his smile in the mans shoulder, inhaling deeply. Louis loved his scent.

"Where's Eddy?" Louis questioned, ignoring Harry' apology for the moment. It wouldn't hurt to have him grovel a bit more.

"He went out." Harry sighed, not moving an inch. "If I would've known Marcy was going to get you, I would've gotten some food ready for you."

"I'm cooking already!" Marcel called out from the kitchen. As soon as they walked into the home, Harry caught Louis' scent and raced to the door. Marcel had simply rolled his eyes and walked away, leaving Louis to fend for himself.

"You like Marcel more." Harry complained, revealing his face. His hair was high in a bun on the top of his head, and he had a bit of stubble growing on his face. Louis was entranced.

"That's not true and you know it." Louis stated, flicking him in the nose. "Watch your language."

"Sorry baby." He pouted, going back to his hiding spot in the boys neck.

Louis let out an almighty squeal when large paws gripped his bottom and lifted him up, his legs automatically fitting around Harry's waist. When Louis looked down at the man, he had a serious expression on his face.

"You're the only Omega I could ever want to mate. I will never look at another Omega now that I have you. Do you understand?" Louis nodded his head slowly, surprised by the mans tone. "I'm sorry for before. Niall was never more than a friend at any time. We had helped him through a heat once, but that's it. I promise."

Louis nodded his head slowly, hands rubbing against the mans clavicle. He felt ten times better already.

"I want Eddy." Louis whispered to Harry. The boy frowned, agreeing. "I want to talk to him too."

"I know, kitten. He'll be home soon, I'm sure of it."


When Edward finally returned home two hours later, Louis was shocked.

The man had gone and cut off his gorgeous hair, leaving it in a short quiff. He looked unbelievably sexy.

"Louis?" His eyes widened. Said boy jumped up from his spot on Harry's lap and jumped into the Alpha's arms. Edward's grip was tight and unforgiving, and he immediately set to work on sucking a bruise on the boys neck.

"You're mine." He growled into the mark once he was finished. "Don't think you're ever going to be allowed to run off like that again."

"Yes, daddy." He whimpered, rubbing against the man. He could sense an Omega on the mans body, and realistically he knew it was probably just the person who cut his hair, but right now that didn't matter. Edward didn't smell like him, none of them did, and that had to change.

"You want to play, princess?" Edward hummed, smirk growing on his face. Louis nodded his head eagerly, unashamed. He wanted his daddies.

Edward carried him up the steps, and Louis could hear the sound of his brothers following close behind.

He needed reassurance. He needed this more than anything.

Once they reached the bedroom, Edward dropped Louis onto their California King, and let him lay there and watch each triplet strip down.

"Baby doll," Louis looked at Marcel, who was slipping his shirt over his head. "when is your next heat?"

Louis blushed. "In two weeks."

The Triplets Mate [Styles/Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now