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The mansion the mated pair drove up to made Louis' jaw drop.

He was used to extravagance, the boy's had an overly large home and they spoiled him to no end. He had no idea what their income was, but he knew their salary had to be ridiculously high to afford their lifestyles.

This, he wasn't expecting though.

As the car pulled into the large driveway, they parked right in front of a large set of steps that led into the gorgeous home. The large doors were wide open and a woman dressed in a beautiful sun dress was standing in front of them.

"Is that your mother?" Louis questioned as the boy's began to unbuckle their seat belts.

"Yes, darling." Edward sighed. Harry bolted out of the car and jogged up the steps, pulling the woman into a bear hug. Marcel and Edward watched the scene with distasteful expressions.

"She's very pretty." Louis announced. "You lot look like her."

"Thanks, baby doll." Marcel took a deep breath before opening his own door, and stepping out of the large SUV. Edward helped Louis out behind him, and the trio walked toward Harry and their mother.

"Well, it's lovely to see you two." She had an almost sad look in her eyes as the boy's kept their distance, Harry the only one standing by her. She let her eyes fall in Louis. "You've certainly picked a pretty one, haven't you?"

Edward hummed. "Yeah, he's our beautiful little mate." He bent to press a kiss to the Omega's head, winding a protective arm around his waist. "Who's here?"

"Gem and Ben are out in the garden while your father cooks on the grill." Anne replied, blank expression on her face. "We're so excited to see you all."

Marcel grunted in reply, and Harry wrapped an arm around his mothers shoulders to lead her back inside the house. Louis pouted at his back.

"Ignore him babe, you know how he is." Marcel pulled Louis away from Edward in order to press a kiss to the boy's lips. "He'll be all over you in a few minutes."

"I know, I'm just being silly." Louis shrugged his shoulders with a grin. "Come on, let's get going."


Dinner was awkward, to say the least.

Anne and Des, the Triplets parents, seemed to be holding themselves back the whole time. They were also repeatedly caught trying to corner Edward, which pissed Louis off. Whatever they had to say to his man, they could say to Louis too.

But, more importantly, the siblings interactions freaked Louis out. Ben was a creep, and Gemma was more mercurial than the triplets were, which is ridiculous.

Harry seemed happy to see Gemma, and so did Edward and Marcel on some level, but all of them besides Gemma steered completely clear of Ben.

He was attractive, of course. All of the Styles seemed to have that gene, but he was also a bit intimidating. The looks Louis kept noticing from him weren't helping either.

The whole family was sitting around the dining room table now, everyone picking at their food and talking. It was then that Marcel and Edward were called by Des.

"Could I speak to the two of you?" He requested, standing from his chair. "In my office?"

Edward huffed under his breath, but nodded. He pressed a kiss to Louis' temple and stood up along with Marcel. "Harry, stay with Louis."

The youngest triplet made a short noise in acknowledgment, still vividly caught in conversation with his mother and sister. Louis hasn't even spoken to him once in the last two hours they were there.

Not too long after that, Louis grew restless in his chair. He turned to his mate, rolling his eyes when he was only met with his back, attention completely on his mother. It was kind of driving Louis nuts.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Louis said to him, making an aggravated noise when Harry didn't even acknowledge it. He stood from his chair and stalked away from the dining room, walking back toward the family room they had been in earlier to search for a bathroom.

When he found the bathroom, he made a face, surprised at the ridiculous amount of decorations in the room. It smelled like rose and pine, and there were fake roses all over the place.

He quickly peed and got out of the bathroom with a mild headache from the strong smell. He stood in the cold hallway for a minute, taking a deep breath, and was stopped when he went to start walking back to everyone.

A hand wrapped itself around Louis' bicep and dragged him into a nearby room, Louis only being able to see who the person was when the light in what looked to be an office, was turned on.

"Louis, right?" The Omega got antsy when he realized it was Ben that had grabbed him. "Hm, you're quite pretty."

"Thanks." Louis mumbled, extremely uncomfortable. "If you'll excuse me, Harry's probably wondering where I am,"

The oldest Styles sibling blocked the door in response, making Louis feel trapped. He hoped that Edward or Marcel could at least feel his anxiety through the bond.

"Harry hasn't noticed your presence once tonight, so don't be mistaken." Ben chuckled. "He would ditch your whole mating if my family decided you weren't good enough."

"Harry wouldn't do that." But the two were both aware of how long it took for Louis to respond in his defense. "I really should get back."

"I would like to speak with you." Ben rolled his eyes. "Calm down, go ahead and take a seat."

Louis gulped, but followed directions form the smug Alpha. "What would you like to talk about?"

"Are my brothers loyal?" Ben questioned, arching an eyebrow.

"Uh, yeah." Louis grew defensive. "What're you talking about?"

"Not to you." Ben sighed as if Louis was stupid. "Are they loyal to our family?" He grew incredulous at Louis confused facial expression. "You're kidding me. They haven't told you?"

Louis blushed in embarrassment, narrowing his eyes. "What to do you mean they haven't told me?"

"Well, there's my answer." Ben snickered, shaking his head. "Guess that's a good thing then. Whatever."

"What?" Louis was so frustrated. "What the fuck are you on about?"

"Louis?" Marcel burst through the door, sending an irritated look Ben's way. "What's going on in here?"

"Nothing, little brother. Just having a chat." Ben rolled his eyes, condescending. He shouldered past Marcel, who growled at his back.

"Daddy?" Louis called, pouting in his seat. Marcel was immediately distracted, walking toward his little mate.

"What's wrong, baby? What did he say to you?"

"Nothing, he didn't make much sense." Louis pursed his lips. "Are you guys ever going to tell me what's going on?"

"Not yet, princess." Louis looked toward the doorway, where Edward was slouched against the wall. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Louis sighed. "I'm tired. Where's Harry? I just wanna go to bed."

"Harry is being a dick." Edward scoffed. "Let's go to bed without him."

"Why?" Louis's frowned deepened.

"He didn't even noticed you left!" Edward shouted, still in shock. The bone headed Alpha also didn't even seem worried in the slightest when Louis was noticed to be missing. Edward hated how brain washing his mother could be.

"It's fine, Eddy. He's spending time with his mother." Louis defended half heartedly even though it stung to his Omega. "Let's just go to bed."

He wished they had never left their nest.

The Triplets Mate [Styles/Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now