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"I want you to be the maid of honor."

Louis groaned, eyes practically rolling to the back of his head. He was trying to pack for the little getaway the boys planned, but the damn Omega wouldn't leave him alone.

"I even already asked Liam if he'd mind if he ever walked in on us, and he said he wouldn't." Niall giggled. Louis blushed, face heating up as he hid his face in his hands.

"Niall, who let you in the house?" He whined, throwing another shirt into his duffel. "Don't you dare say that the door was unlocked, either. I triple checked." So that you wouldn't come in, he added in his head.

"Your hubby, duh." Niall sighed. "It's okay, you're beautiful, I'll be the brains of the relationship."

Louis was ready to pull his hair out.

"Hey kitten, you still packing?" Harry grinned happily as he walked into the room.

"If you keep letting this Omega into our house, I'm going to stop having sex with you." Harry's eyes practically bulged out of his head, stuttering and stammering.

"Calm down, baby." Edward sighed from behind Harry, placing a hand on his brothers shoulder as he peaked at the two Omega's inside the room. "Niall means well, stop threatening everyone."

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Louis hummed, picture of innocence. "I don't think I've ever seen you before."

"Louis," Edward groaned, facade disappearing. "I'm sorry I've been working so much, but it has to get done."

"Where's Marcel? He's my favorite." Louis ignoring the three pouting males he was surrounded by.

"Stop being mean." Harry whined, snuggling up to the Omega's back. "We're gonna have a good weekend, kitten."

"I hope so for your sakes." Louis replied with a roll of his eyes. He zipped up the duffel bag, and leaned against Harry's chest. "Okay, so when are we leaving?"

"As soon as we have lunch, we're gonna head out." Harry pressed a kiss to the shoulder Louis' large sweater was revealing, nuzzling into the skin to scent him.

"Will you stop it you mongrel." Louis sighed, flicking at Harry's ear to get him to stop nibbling at his skin. "You're all animals, I can't handle it."

"On the contrary, you're the only one that can." Edward hummed, bending to press a kiss on the boy's forehead. "Come on, let's go have some lunch."


Louis was startled awake by someone picking him up, whining in confusion.

"Shh, baby doll. We're at the resort, I'm just walking you up to the room."

"Okay, daddy." Louis yawned, resting his chin on the Alpha's shoulder to look around.

The hotel was beautiful, and Louis was a bit surprised. He wasn't sure what the reason was behind such an extravagant getaway, but he definitely wasn't complaining.

Once they got up to the room, Marcel threw Louis onto the bed, watching as the Omega bounced on his back, laughing freely.

"You dweeb." Louis grinned, rolling his eyes. Marcel returned the smile, crawling up the bed and holding himself above the small boy.

He began to press kisses along the boys collarbone that was revealed by his large sweater, Louis letting out a pleased noise.

"Baby doll, we'd like to bond you this weekend." Louis gasped, pulling at Marcel's hair in order to get a good look at his face.

"What? Are--are you serious?" Louis' heart was jack rabbiting in his chest. He wasn't expecting this at all, when in reality he definitely should've.

"Of course, sweet." Marcel pressed a soft, chaste kiss to the smaller boy's lips. "I love you, and I want to be bonded to you forever."

Louis had tears welling up in his eyes, and instead of replying, he pulled the man closer to him. He attacked his lips in a biting kiss, moaning and scratching at his back in an attempt to get the man closer to him.

Marcel pulled off his shirt, and Louis' shirt was quick to follow. Once they were both completely naked, Marcel took his time to look over his Omega's body.

"You're stunning." Marcel's voice was practically a growl, Louis flushing and cock twitching at the realization that the man was having an internal struggle with his inner Alpha.

The fact that Marcel couldn't control his Alpha instincts in a moment like this was so arousing and special to Louis. The triplet let himself go, and stopped controlling himself around Louis. That was a level of trust that took a much longer period to reveal.

But, it was in their bond. Louis had always felt a special connection with Marcel, that was different from the special connections he had with the other boys. They were all so unique and beautiful in their own way, and it made Louis so happy. And so, so in love with each of them.

Marcel practically worshipped Louis' body, kissing down his stomach, and spending special time licking and sucking at his thighs. Louis was a whimpering mess from the special treatment, and gasped out when he felt the Alpha's long, thick fingers begin to rub at his hole.

"I love you, baby doll." Marcel hummed as he slipped a finger into him. He leaned up, pressing a few chaste and affectionate kisses to his lips. "You're my sunshine."

"I---" Louis let out a loud whine as he felt Marcel slip in another finger, rubbing at his spot. "God, Marcy, I love you so much."

Once Louis blurted the words out, Marcel completely lost track of what he was doing. He pulled his fingers out, receiving a whine from Louis, and readied himself to push into the small Omega.

Before he did anything more, he pulled Louis into a messy kiss, biting and licking into each other's mouths.

Louis moaned into the kiss as he felt Marcel's cock start to breach him. His hole opened for him, so turned on that his body was preparing itself to be fucked by an Alpha.

Once Marcel's balls hit Louis' bum, he pulled away from the kiss and slid his hands to the boys tiny waist, holding tight enough to bruise before he began thrusting in and out of him.

Louis let out a shout at the force, little 'uhs' falling from his lips uncontrollably as he began to slide up the bed, Marcel making sure they were always as close as possible.

"Oh, daddy," Louis whimpered as the Alpha began pounding at his prostate, back arching in pleasure. Marcel's only response was a deep growl, and the next moment, Louis could feel the mans teeth grazing his neck. "Bite me, daddy. Make me yours."

"Always mine, baby doll." Marcel responded, voice hoarse and gravely, before he bit down on the skin of Louis' neck.

They both came immediately, Marcel's knot popping and locking them together. The feeling of being bonded was nothing Louis or Marcel could have ever imagined. The love the two had for each other, seemed to encompass everything.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." Louis mumbled, eyes closed and legs wrapped around Marcel.

"You're mine forever, baby doll."

The Triplets Mate [Styles/Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now