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Louis was minding his own business, making the triplets lunch, when it happened.

He didn't realize why at first, but he got tense and agitated at a rapid rate, out of no where. He had set down the knife he was using to cut vegetables and turned around, inhaling deeply before a high pitched growl released from his chest.

There was another Omega in the vicinity, and he was not about to deal with that.

Another Omega, so close to his future nest didn't mean anything good.

"What is that smell?" An unfamiliar voice called out as the door to the home was opened. "It's fantastic."

Louis grabbed the knife next to him quickly, walking out of the kitchen with it gripped in his hand. He didn't say a word as he stalked toward the front of the house, eyes narrowing to slits as his inner Omega was released, ready to beat out any competition.

"Woah!" A voice squealed, making Louis jump and drop his knife. A boy, a bit taller than Louis, with bleached hair and big blue eyes was behind him. "Who are you?"

"Who are you?" Louis growled, agitation coming out in full force. This boy was an Omega.

"I'm Niall, and this is my friends house." He huffed, crossing his arms. "Now, who are you? I know the boys don't usually let their toys wander the house."

"Toy?" Louis screeched, offended and a bit jealous. How dare this boy speak to him like that?

"Don't get too used to all this, it'll be gone soon enough when they move on to the next Omega. I wouldn't get attached." Niall signed, condescending.

"You watch your mouth you little-"

"Niall?" Louis turned at the voice, watching as a half naked Harry walked down the stairs. "What are you doing here?"

Louis immediately went toward the Alpha, hissing at Niall as he clung to his man.

"I don't understand why you let these people into your home." Niall raised his nose in the air, and took a dramatic sniff. "Gross."

"Watch your mouth, Niall." Harry scolded, scowl forming on his face. "This is our Louis."

"Your Louis?" Niall repeated, chuckling. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"This is our mate." Harry clarified, arms wrapping around Louis, trying his hardest not to laugh at how possessive his boy was being.

"Your mate?" Niall cried out, eyes widening in shock. "When did you decide this? Yesterday?"

"Calm down, Niall. Why are you acting like this?" Harry was beginning to get annoyed with his old friend. Louis still was on the offensive and he didn't want his baby to get too stressed out.

"I wonder why I'm acting like this." Niall seem incredulous, before turning around, slamming the door on his way out.

"Who was that?" Louis demanded an answer, body still tense as he crossed his arms. "Why does another Omega have the key to your home?"

"Our home, kitten." Harry corrected. "And that's Niall, he's been our friend for years. We've never even thought of him as an Omega." A slight lie, but Louis didn't need to hear that right now.

"Sure." Louis' sharp glare told Harry that he didn't believe him, making the Alpha gulp. The older man watched as Louis bent over, picking up a sharp knife he hadn't noticed before. His eyes widened in lust as he watched Louis rise up from his crouch, knife in hand like it wasn't a big deal. "I'm going to finish cooking. Put a shirt on."


"You're joking." Edward cackled at Harry's retelling of earlier events. The two were laying in bed, Louis having stomped upstairs to tell them lunch was done not too long before. "I love it. Our princess hissed at Niall?"

"He looked about ready to kill him." Harry was glowing with pride, excited over the idea of Louis being so protective of he and his brothers so fast.

Edward grinned at the thought, sitting up from bed and walking toward the stairs. He too, was proud of the reaction from his Omega. Edward himself would slaughter a dozen men and women if they dared to try to get close to Louis.

"Hi, baby," Edward cooed as he reached the kitchen, watching the Omega waltz around the room, putting large portions of delicious food on plates. "What are you doing?"

"Making you lunch." Louis answered, Edward losing his breath as they made eye contact. Louis had stunning eyes, and Edward couldn't wait to get lost in them for the rest of his life.

"Just me, baby?" Louis rolled his eyes at the comment, not being able to hide a small smile.

"No, for your barbarian brothers as well." Louis looked like he was going to say something more, but closed his mouth and turned back to his earlier activities instead.

"What is it?" Edward questioned, frowning at the Omega's actions. Louis kept his head low, taking his time setting the plates on the dining room table and taking a seat in front of a miniature size of the other three plates.

"Just..." Louis fish mouthed for a second, before pursing his lips. "Are there others? That you and your brothers are courting?"

"Others?" Edward balked at the accusation. "For heavens sake, Louis. Why would we ever need anyone else but you for the rest of our lives? You are our soulmate. You know this..." Edward trailed off. "Don't you?"

"I know I feel way too strongly for you all already." Louis admitted, looked ashamed. "It just worries me. Niall, he said-"

"Niall is just jealous, princess." Edward cut him off, eyes narrowed. "If I had heard him speak those words, he would've gotten much more than a scolding."

"No," Louis snapped at that. "You don't touch any other Omega but me."

Edward smirked, happy with the change of events. "Is that so, princess?"

"Yes." Louis glared up at the Alpha. "You can't punish other Omega's, or reward them. None but me."

"That's right, baby." Edward cooed, picking Louis up by his waist. He buried his face into the crook of the boys neck, breathing deeply into it. "God, I'm obsessed with you."

"Me too," Louis gasped, rubbing up against the man. All of the events of today made him feel extra possessive, and he wanted to lay claim on each of his Alpha's. "Where are Harry and Marcey?"

"Upstairs. Why?"

"I want all three of you." Louis ordered, pretty eyes narrowed as he wrapped his arms around Edwards neck. "I need all three of you."

The Triplets Mate [Styles/Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now