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"Your rut is coming up." Louis sighed out as he ran a hand through Harry's long curls. They had been home for a few days now, but Harry was unbearable with his clingyness ever since they had gotten back.

Louis didn't say anything, though. He deserved some extra loving after dealing with all of the stress that was meeting the Styles family.

That night, after listening to Harry's own apology, and having to repeatedly calm down Edward after he had a bit of a show down with his eldest sibling, the foursome had packed up their things and left.

It seemed to Louis that the boy's all got a sort of closure to their family issues. Harry finally got that story off his chest, Marcel saw that there was no hope for any of his family, and Edward realized that he didn't need anything from them.

That, Louis thought was most significant. Louis knew on a deeper level that Edward didn't just accidentally force them into visiting their relatives. Louis knew that it had to mean more than that.

But, whatever Edward needed to see, he saw. And now, Louis was sure that everything was going to be okay.

"Yeah, any day now." Harry rumbled, face nuzzling into Louis' stomach. "Marcel is out of sync with us, but that's better for you. One less person to worry about."

"I can't imagine. Edward and you are both already so high maintenance." Louis chuckled at Harry's disgruntled expression. "Shut up. You know it's true. All three of you are unbearable."

"But you mated us." Harry smirked, pressing a small kiss to his own mark. "Even have an appointment coming up to see if we knocked you up. You're stuck with us."

Louis blushed, but he was right. Once getting home, Marcel had went ahead and made an appointment with a well known doctor friend of his. They were all a bit jittery at the thought of having a pregnant Mate.

It was set for next week, as they all knew that between getting home, and the day of the appointment, there would be a day or two where Harry and Edward would be completely dependent on Louis.

It made Louis a bit nervous, but at the same point, he knew he was damn good at pleasuring his Alpha's. He would make sure that they got through their rut just as nicely as they got him out of his Heat.


"I understand that you want to be friends and all, but you better leave before my Alpha's get here." Louis sighed.

The Alpha in front of him gave him a look of confusion. "No, I don't want to be just friends. You smell divine. I came over here to ask if you're feeling concrete in the mating you're a part of."

"You're literally blowing this." Louis rolled his eyes at the man in front of him. He could sense a testosterone ridden Edward walking toward him. "I'm giving you a final chance, buddy."

"What's going on?" Edward rumbled as he finally reached the two. "Who are you?"

Louis gave the Alpha a look, who ignored it. Stupid decision.

"You need to keep a better eye on your Omega." The Alpha eyed Edward. "He's too attractive to leave out in the open."

"He can do whatever he wants because he has my mark." Edward seethed, arm tight around Louis' waist. "Get the fuck out of here."

"I don't have to do anything." The other Alpha obviously couldn't tell that Edward was nearing his rut, making the already dangerous Alpha that much more hostile.

Edward sent the man to the floor with one swing.

"Thank you for coming to my rescue, Eddy." Louis gave the man the most innocent face he could muster. "I don't know what I would've done without you."

The smug expression and rough slap to his bum made the exaggeration that much better.


"Please, Louis." Niall poured ridiculously as he kneeled in front of the Omega. "Please."

"Okay, fine." Louis rolled his eyes. "I'm probably not even pregnant though."

The two Omega's were alone in the house, a rare occurrence. Marcel and Edward were both at work while Harry had to go run some errands. Louis woke up not feeling too well, so he decided he'd just stay home.

Which was obviously a bad decision. It was like Niall had a tracker on them.

"You're definitely pregnant." Niall inhaled deeply. "You can smell your eggs literally being inseminated. You smell fantastic."

"Niall." Louis blushed, moving the boy's head away from his stomach. "Stop. You're ridiculously inappropriate."

The Omega had been there for about an hour already, and had been trying to convince Louis for the longer portion of that time to let him and Liam join the foursome at their doctors appointment coming up.

"You don't even know." Niall rolled his eyes in what seemed to be exasperation. He stood up from his spot as if nothing happened, brushing off his knees before sitting down in a chair across from Louis. "Are you going to have another heart attack if I'm here when the boy's come home?"

Louis gave him a narrow eyed look, which made the blond wink and blow him a kiss. Which, ugh. Whatever.

"I didn't have a heart attack, you brat. It's really close to their ruts and I'm feeling a little over protective. Sue me."

"You almost killed me!" Niall scoffed, twinkle in his eye showing that he wasn't all that offended. "If it wasn't so hot, I probably wouldn't come around anymore."

"You are the literal worst." Louis groaned. "Anyways, it shouldn't be surprising that I'm this tense. Edward was ready to attack this guy at the grocery store the other day, and did I tell you about Harry's episode at the boy's job from a couple days ago? I thought the kid was going to get killed, and he was just an intern there. These guys are ticking fucking time bombs."

Niall cackled at the rant, shaking his head. "They're nuts and I know this, I also know that you have to understand this by now. But don't worry, you're deeply connected to them. You'll be able to manage their ruts well. I mean, didn't you already succeed with Marcel's rut?"

"Yeah, but with Marcel I was in Heat. I was in the same state. What if I can't handle the boys in their Alpha mindsets? They could unmate me." Louis inhaled deeply.

"Trust me, that's not going to happen." Niall snorted, shaking his head.

"Yeah, I guess. I mean, I wasn't all that worried anyways." Louis gave the Omega a small smile. "Get out of here, please. Harry will be home any second and I will literally kill you if you even smell my Alpha."

"Okay, fine." Niall stuck out his tongue. "I'll go home to my own Alpha."

"Good," Louis kicked at a leg of the chair he was in. "get out."

A little filler before the rut next chapter!!!!

Also, to keep you guys updated, there were a lot of you who showed me a story on here that seemed to be taking all of the events from this story and reposting them. I talked to the user, and from my understanding they ended up taking it down. I appreciate everyone who messaged me about it!!

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