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Q: how tf are you so brave and adorable
A: I've gotta be brave for my even more adorable soon-to-come babies

Q: Hey Lou, how is it like living with three sex gods as Alphas?
A: It's hard to leave bed, that's for sure. But... I guess we don't really have that problem either. They know they can have me whenever they want.

Q: are you excited for your babies!?
A: I've never been so happy in my life! I told the triplets that I want enough kids for a soccer team. (Harry: fuck yes!)

Q: Whose cum tastes the best?
A: that's a good question... they all taste good! *whispers* marcel eats really well and it makes his cum the best.

Q: How many babies do you want to have?
A: As many babies as the triplets will give me. I want to have them while I'm still young, but I think the boys won't make me wait for that anyways.

Q: Have you ever consider have all of them inside of you at the same time?
A: I would love to have all of the boys inside me at the same time, but they think I'm made of glass 🙄 I'm trying to convince them!

Q: How do you have such a big ass?
A: honestly I eat really badly but I balance it with squats so... SQUATS!

Q: How are you so adorable!!!
A: I'm super pregnant with adorable babies so it makes me three times as adorable as usual

Q: Maybe you should have a three way marcel seems lonely 😜
A: I think Marcel actually hates sharing me with his brothers in bed🙄 his Alpha is so possessive. When his eyes were still flickering, he would mount me whenever he wanted. But don't worry. Lots of sexy times to come.

Q: Is your trust in the boys stronger now
A: for a while I was really mad at them because of what happened, but now I know that they really would do anything for me.

Q: Who is your favorite Alpha? ;)
A: nooooo way. I love all of my Alphas the same. But, I love going out on dates with Harry, I love experimenting with Edward, and quiet days at home with Marcel are the best.

Q: What's your secret behind your ass?? 🍑🍑🍑 I hope your babies are fine, they are going to be adorable little cherubs💕💕
A: Squats! Stairs! Keep those booties moving. The babies are perfect! I love them so much and they aren't even here yet.

Q: What would you do if you caught one of the triplets cheating on you?? (luv u💔🍀)
A: first, I'd kill who ever they were cheating on me with. No matter who it was. Then probably break whoevers knot it was. I couldn't even imagine how crazy I would be. I'd officially lose it.

Q: Who eats 🍑 the best
A: Marcel gets really into it, it's so hot. He made me cum three times just by eating me out once. He says he loves my slick.

Q: Baby names?
A: don't even get me started. Edward and Harry are being such pains in the ass about names. Edward wants the names to be older/elegant, and Harry keeps suggesting names he thinks are unique but are actually pretty weird. (Don't tell him I said that) Marcel is being sweet about it, as usual. He told me it's all up to me.

Q: Are you okay? And what do you plan for you and your Alphas future? Love you. Xoxo
A: I'm okay now. I still have nightmares sometimes, but I have my big strong men to keep me safe. Right now all I have on my brain is making babies so.. probably lots of that. Love you too!

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