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I posted a new story! It's a vampire fic called Heartbeat. It's gonna be dirty and fun, I'm excited for it! Xx

This chapters a bit short, but I felt it needed to be stopped where it is. Enjoy, and thank you for 1k votes!

Louis was annoyed when he woke up to an empty bed. It was a Saturday morning, and finally all his boys would be home at the same time for a whole day.

Which, of course, is why he's in such a foul mood.

He got up from the bed, not bothering to cover up his body. He was wearing one of Marcel's black shirts and a pair of panties, which Harry had slipped up his legs the night before.

As he walked down the stairs, he grinned at the scent of breakfast. Marcey must have gotten up in order to cook.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Louis froze up at the voice, eyes narrowing. It was that damn Omega again.

Louis stood up straight and fixed the shirt he was wearing so that his bottom half was on full display. There was no way his Alphas wouldn't be glued to him in an instant.

"Baby," Harry beamed as soon as Louis was in his sights. Louis preened as the Alpha rushed to him, sliding a giant paw up his thighs, settling on his waist. "you look so good."

"It should be illegal to look as delicious as you do so early in the morning, my love." Edward hummed. Louis caught his eye over Harry's shoulder, and sent him an innocent look.

"I second that." Marcel's voice was nearly s growl.

The Omega at the dining table cleared his throat obnoxiously, and Harry was the only one to look over at him at the noise.


"Oh, Lou. You've met Niall." Louis made a show of arching his neck to look at the other boy, could smell Harry's need to mark at the skin that was shown off.

"Oh, hello." Louis practically purred. The Alpha's were all watching him like Hawks. He knew how to work them well.

"Well, you're still here." Niall stated with a subtle roll of his eyes. Louis' fists clenched. "That's a surprise."

"Watch your mouth." Louis hissed. Edward broke out of his trance at the sound, eyes narrowing to Niall. "Say something like that again and it'll be your head."

"Excuse me?" Niall exclaimed, hands slapping against the table. "Who do you think you are?"

"He's our mate." Edward frowned, beginning to look a bit skeptical. "Niall, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine." He grumbled, standing up straight. "Just trying to figure out if this past holiday was all a part of my imagination." His eyes narrowed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Louis huffed, watching the Omega gather his things and stomp towards him.

"I thought these animals were going to mate me. You should be sure that they're not just planning on using you like they did me." The boy hissed, eyes looking glassy as he shoulder checked Louis and walked straight out of the house.

"Okay, what the fuck was that?" Louis shouted, growing increasingly agitated. "You know what? I don't even care right now. This is a good time for me to gather my things. I need to go see Liam, rent is due next week and I need to dig into my savings since you barbarians costed me my job." Louis ranted, turning on his heal, leaving flabbergasted triplets in his wake.

The Omega quickly packed up his clothing into the duffel he had brought with him, slipping on a pair of yoga pants before jogging back downstairs and toward the front door.

"Why are you so upset? Don't let what he said change this." Edward roared from his place in front of the doorway.

"I'm not letting it change anything." Louis could hear his bratty tone, and knew the Alpha would be agitated at hearing it. Oh well. "I just realized that this is moving very fast. Maybe we should slow this down a bit. I still have obligations."

"Louis, stop." Marcel's heartbroken face almost made Louis change his mind. Almost.

"I'm sorry." Louis sighed. "I just know very little about any of you. I didn't even realize that you could've had other Omega's until your old companion just explained that to me."

"But we don't have any, not anymore!" Harry sounded a bit hysterical. "We only want you!"

"But how do I know that?" Louis shot back. "You told me the other day that you didn't even think of Niall as an Omega! Then the boy hints at you guys fucking and spending a holiday together! Geeze." Louis rubs at his temples, ignoring Harry's look of shame.

"I just think this needs to slow down a bit. I need to know that this mating is something that we're all gonna want." Edward looked deep in thought, before nodding his head and moving away from the door.

"Okay, fine." He sighed, looking down toward the floor. He inhaled deeply before looking up into Louis' eyes. "Just know that we want you. And we always will want you. We'll be waiting for you to be ready."

Louis' heart broke. "That's all I could ask for."

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