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Louis sighed loudly from his spot on Harry's lap, annoyed when he didn't get an immediate response.

The man was too busy texting someone, the phone just enough out of reach for Louis not to be able to see the screen. It was bugging the Omega to no end.

"Who're you texting?" Louis scowled, finally over trying to hide his attitude. "Pay attention to me." The phone immediately was set down on the coffee table, and Harry moved Louis so he was straddling the mans waist.

"Sorry, kitten." Harry cooed, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "What's wrong?"

"Who were you texting?" Louis repeated with a raised brow. "I'd like to know."

"It's not important, Lou." Harry chuckles, shaking his head. "I promise."

Louis rolled his eyes at the answer, and whimpered when he got a pinch on the thigh in response.

"Kitten, what's wrong?" He raised an eyebrow down at the Omega, and watched as Louis shrugged and hopped off his lap.

"Nothing. I'm going to go cook dinner."


"He's been acting strange since he got out of his Heat." Edward sighed, rubbing at his temples. Marcel was frowning from across the desk, furrow in his eyebrows showing that he was just as confused by the situation.

They had received texts from Harry explaining that Louis was acting moody and withdrawn all day, and both Alpha's agreed that the attitude change wasn't anything new this week.

"It's not like he's pregnant, we haven't even marked him yet." Marcel's eyes widened. "Wait, fuck."

"What?" Edward questioned, watching as his brother ran a hand through his hair.

Marcel groaned, "we haven't marked him yet. We just helped him through a Heat, which we weren't prepared for, he helped me get through my rut, and we have gone back to normal as if nothing happened."

"Louis is thinking that he's just another Omega." Edward kicked out of the leg of the table in front of him. "Fuck. We're scum."

"We didn't even give him any aftercare, we went straight to work afterwords." Marcel pulled at his wavy hair. "We're the worst Alpha's in the world."

"How are we going to fix this?" Edward's tone surprised Marcel, but he tried not to let it show. His brother was in love with Louis, and it was evident in everything he did.

But, it was the same for Marcel and Harry as well. No one had the balls to say it yet, but the three of them knew exactly how the other felt.

"I think I have an idea."


Louis sighed, for probably the hundredth time that day, as he walked up the stairs and into the bedroom. He had finished cooking, had eaten a bit, and snuck passed Harry who was still typing away at his phone so that he could go to bed.

He was drained. His inner Omega was confused and sad, constantly whimpering for a mate.

Louis had let each of the boys knot him, and now there was nothing. No talk about mating, not even a romantic gesture after the fact.

It was all pretty exhausting. Omega's thrive on attention, and to not receive it when they need it most, is heartbreaking.

Once he got to the room, he slipped inside and closed the door, turning off the lights and shutting the blinds.

He would sleep until the morning, and go through the motions once more, unconsciously hoping for some sort of special attention from his---the--- Alpha's.


When Edward and Marcel returned home, they were upset to hear that Louis was already in bed.

It was only seven in the afternoon, so it was strange that the Omega would put himself to bed so early.

It just proved to them that something was definitely wrong.

"We have to fix this." Harry groaned as he spread himself out on the couch. "I hate us."

"We hate us too, Harry." Marcel huffed, running a hand through his hair. "He's such a good boy, we honestly don't deserve him."

"Don't say that." Edward snarled, dark look in his eyes. Marcel put his hands in the air innocently, backing off. "He's ours, and that's not going to change. We're going to fix this."

"What's your idea, Marcy?" Harry sighed, burying his face in his hands. His phone sat next to him, and he clicked the power button just so he could see the lock screen.

It was a picture of Louis, face scrunched up in a grin, and anyone could tell that he was straddling Harry's waist. It was his favorite picture.

The home screen wasn't as innocent, and he knew right now wasn't the time to look at it. His Omega was upset, he wasn't going to turn himself on and have to deal with that.

"I know we said we were going to wait a bit, make it more special, but I think the top priority now is mating Louis." Marcel explained. "We can still make it special for him. His Omega feels like our Alphas are just stringing him along. He's probably still hurt over the situation Niall put us in."

"So we're going to Mate him this weekend." Edward stated, finality in his tone. "We're going to get a hotel room, take him out to dinner before, and we're going to mate with him one at a time."

"I have no complaints." Harry raised an eyebrow when his brother's stared him down. "That's all I want. I want everyone to know Louis' mated."

"Alright, then its settled." Marcel had a small smile on his face, mood lifting at the thought of mating his boy. "This weekend."

The Triplets Mate [Styles/Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now