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"I am not pouting." Louis argued. Liam scoffed from across the room, stirring a pot full of food. "I'm not! Stop looking at me like that."

"You're the one that decided to come back." Liam reminded him, for the millionth time. Honestly it was like he thought Louis had forgotten.

"I was being good." He sighed. He still stood by his words, though. He didn't know anything about the triplets, and the mating was moving too fast. He didn't want the relationship to get ruined before it could even begin.

"It's no ones business what your relationship is, ya know." Liam hissed and cursed, flinching away from the pot. "Why is cooking so hard?"

"See," Louis sat up from the couch, rolling his eyes. "this is why I had to come back. You're literally having trouble boiling noodles."

"No one asked you." Liam glared, pouting dramatically as Louis took over.

"Now who's pouting." Louis retorted, grinning.

"Still you." Liam chirped, making the smile on Louis' face vanish. "Come on, honestly. What's the issue?"

"There's no issue." Louis sighed, turning down the temperature of the stove top. He began to stir the sauce. "I just... I don't know."

"You even turned off your phone." Liam pursed his lips, leaning against the wall. "You told them you were going back to your friend, who is coincidentally an Alpha, and turned off your phone."

"Okay, so maybe there is an issue." Louis whined. "I was jealous. And scared."

Liam looked smug. It pissed Louis off a bit.

"I barely know anything about them. We've had sex, yet I don't even know what their parents names are. I don't know their favorite foods. I didn't even think to ask if they were courting anyone else." Louis groaned, letting his head hit the wall. It was common for Alpha's to court several Omega's at a time, just so they could narrow out exactly who they'd mate with. "Then, this Omega who has a key to their home starts showing up and getting obviously agitated by my presence. He even admitted that they have slept together when Harry told me otherwise!"

"Oh, that does sound a bit bad." Liam looked uncomfortable. "Okay, I get why you ran. But it's been a couple days, Lou. Maybe it's time you at least talked to them?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Louis sighed. "I do miss them."

"I know you do." Liam chuckled, shaking his head. "Now go ahead, I can take over dinner from here."

"Okay, thanks." Louis flashed him a sweet smile, getting one in return. He was such an amazing friend, and it was ridiculous that Omega/Alpha friendships had such a stigma to them. He wouldn't know what to do without Liam.

Once Louis closed the door to the bedroom, he reached for his phone that's been off and charging.

He felt a wave of guilt when as soon as it turned on, text notifications began buzzing through.

Most of them were from Harry, who apologized a hundred times for lying about never doing anything with that Omega-- Niall. There were also a few from Marcel, mostly saying that he missed Louis. But there was only one from Edward.

Come back.

It made Louis feel terrible. But, he decided with a shake of his head, he had every right to take this break. They needed a wake up call to this relationship.

But now, Louis thought with a new sense of determination, he realized what needed to be said. He was ready to speak with them again.


Louis had made the decision to call Marcel in the end. He told the boy to not tell his brothers where he was going, and to just come pick him up.

The sweet Alpha was quick to agree, and said he'd be on his way.

Louis freaked out a bit once the man hung up, running to take a shower and shave his body. With all his-- damn it, Liam-- moping that's been happening the past couple days, he's neglected his hygiene and that definitely needed to be fixed.

Once he was out of the shower he quickly blow dried his hair and slipped on a pair of leggings and a shirt. By the time he deemed himself ready, he could hear talking from outside the bedroom.

Louis was worried about how he was going to find Liam and Marcel, but smiled when he saw them talking and laughing with each other by the front door.

"Baby," Marcel's eyes widened, talking a hopeful step in Louis' direction once he noticed him.

Louis jogged toward the man and wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling Marcel into a kiss. Marcel grinned, placing his hands on his hips in order to pull them closer together.

"Gross," Liam groaned. "This is so gross."

"Bye Li, I'll see you soon." Louis winked, waving goodbye as Marcel lead him out the door, large paw on the Omega's bottom. "Marcy, I missed you."

"I missed you too, baby doll." The man sighed, pressing a kiss to the boys temple. "We all did. I'm sorry about that whole situation, if we had used common sense, we would've realized what a bad idea it was to begin with."

"It's okay," Louis shrugged, hopping into Marcel's large SUV. "We just need to talk. Right? Is that okay?"

"Of course, baby." Marcel placed his hand on the boys meaty thigh, kneading the area. "God, I'm embarrassed over how happy I am to see you after less than a week."

"I missed you a ridiculous amount too." Louis blushed, smiling down at his lap. "I'm sorry I left. I threw a total tantrum."

"Louis," Marcel groaned, rolling his eyes. "You have nothing to be sorry for. Please don't apologize over what happened. We can talk about this and everything will be fine, okay my love?"

"Yes, daddy." Louis giggled.

The Triplets Mate [Styles/Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now