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"He's leaving." Harry announced from his spot in the passenger seat. "Let's go."

"Not yet," Marcel warned, grabbing his brothers forearm. "Let him walk to his car. Someone from the restaurant might hear."

"I want to tear his knot off. I could smell his arousal when he got close to Louis, Marcel." Marcel's fingers tightened on his steering wheel, and Harry smirked proudly at the bright red around his brothers pupil.

"I'm going to fucking kill him."


"Oh, daddy!" Louis gasped, thighs tightening around Edward's head. "Yes, please!" The Alpha pointed his tongue, slipping inside his Omega's loosening hole.

As soon as Marcel and Harry had left, Edward threw Louis onto the bed and began to ravage him. It took Louis by surprise at first, but it was definitely welcome. He needed the attention that Edward was giving him after his day.

Edward backed away, grabbing Louis' legs to untangle them from his neck. "You taste so good."

"Thank you daddy." Louis blushed, embarrassed because of how exposed be felt. He has never had an Alpha in this sense. He's had men be explicit with him in what they want, but he's never even considered going through with such things.

But these men really made him go a bit crazy.

Edward slithered up the boy's body, connecting their lips in a sloppy, passionate kiss as he tried to simultaneously enter the boy.

He leaned back to guide his cock into the Omega, but was surprised when instead, Louis rolled over and presented himself. "Please, daddy, please fuck me."

"Such a naughty boy." Edward smirked, gripping at the meatiest part of the boys ass, letting his dick rub between his cheeks. Louis gasped at the sensation, before letting out a pleasured whine.

The whine caused an answering growl to form in Edwards chest, the larger man wrapping his arms around Louis' waist and thrusting forward to enter him. His inner Alpha was put on high alert, making sure there was no other competition before beginning to thrust into the boy.

Louis let out the prettiest sounds, always so responsive to every touch Edward gave him. It made Edward lose it because never had he been so turned on just because of an Omega's daily actions.

Louis getting out of bed is fucking erotic. The Alpha honestly didn't understand how, but the boy could honestly do anything and Edward would pop a fucking boner.

But, at least it wasn't only him getting effected like this. His brothers were the same, even Harry who previously treated Omega's like nothing, worshipped the ground this boy walked on.

But, Edward thought as he groaned from the tight heat surround his cock, an Omega like this did deserve to be worshipped.

"Fuck baby, you feel so good." Louis practically screamed in response as Edward nailed his prostate. Edward was proud of the noise, and tried his best to keep hitting the same spot in the boy. He wanted this boy to be ruined for anyone else.

Right as Louis came onto the sheets below him, the bedroom door burst open to reveal two horny Alphas.

Edward kept thrusting as he looked over at his brothers, ignoring the whimpers of the boy under him as his knot began to appear. "Did you take care of it?"

"Of course we did." Harry grinned, running a hand through his hair. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and Edward could only guess the reason for it.

Edward shuddered as his knot expanded and began coming, Louis letting out a drawn out whine from the pleasurable feeling.

"Hi, kitten." Harry practically purred as he crawled onto the bed, pushing Louis' hair off his sweaty forehead. "Having fun?"

"Missed you-- both of you." Louis breathed out, holding out his hand for Harry to grasp. The man did so happily, pressing a kiss to his swollen candy pink lips.

"I missed you too. But it looks like you were kept occupied."

"Yes," Louis giggled breathlessly, shaking his bum against Edwards groin. The man answered him with a low groan, still locked to each other.

"Are you hungry, baby?" Marcel questioned, still standing in the doorway as he had a silent conversation with his brother. "I'll cook whatever you want. Or, you know what, how about I just order a pizza?"

"That sounds nice, Marcey." Louis smiled sleepily. "Think 'm gonna take a nap first, please."

"Of course, princess." Edward murmured, pressing a kiss to the dimples in his back before pulling out. He quickly grabbed a plug (cleaned and new) and pushed it inside Louis' spread hole in order to keep his come inside him. "Take a nap with Harry. Marcel and I will be right downstairs."

"Yeah, come on, kitten." Harry grinned happily, taking off his tight jeans and throwing them off the bed before cuddling close to Louis. "Marcel was hogging you the other night."

"Was not," Marcel pouted as he walked out of the bedroom, Edward hot on his heels.

When the two were alone, Louis traced shapes on Harry's chest, as his head laid on the mans pectoral. "Harry?"

"Yes, love?" Harry questioned, running his hand up and down the boys side, enjoying the dramatic dip of his waist. "What's wrong?"

"Nothin'." The boy hummed in response. "But, where did you and Marcey go earlier?" Harry tensed up at the question, before taking a deep breath and relaxing.

"It doesn't matter, my darling. Just know that no one will ever harm you as long as my brothers and I are around. You're our mate, and that is all anyone needs to know."

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