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The next time Louis woke up, it was to the sun shining onto his face and the sound of the door of the bedroom he was being kept in shutting.

He sat up, looking around, but who ever it had been was long gone. He sighed, standing from the bed to walk over to the window, staring outside to try to wrap his head around things.

It looked beautiful outside, and as Louis rubbed at his three month old belly, he hoped that he'd be able to spend such beautiful days outside with his pups one day. He hoped that there would be some way out of this, and at this point, he would take any kind of out.

Movement caught his eye, and he turned his head to look toward the driveway leading up to the mansion. An expensive looking black car was speeding up the pavement, and Louis furrowed his eyebrows when a disheveled looking Ben got out of the drivers side.

The man looked upset, which made Louis curious. What was going on now?

"Oh, you're awake." Louis jumped at the sudden voice, and turned on his heel to face Anne, the boys mother.

She was holding a tray of food in her hand, and was wearing a dark blue maxi dress. She had her hair curled and her make up pristine, and Louis suddenly grew such a hatred for her that his fists clenched unconsciously at his sides.

She got to sleep peacefully in her own bed last night, woke up and pampered herself. She probably didn't even cook, knowing that they have chefs. How could someone live their life so nicely when they have their sons' kidnapped Omega locked in a room?

"I remember when I was pregnant with the triplets, I craved anything sweet." She refused to make eye contact with Louis, and he was trying his best not to let his rage get the best of him. "I loved fruits, and peanut butter. I also had a strange craving for marshmallows pretty frequently."

Louis blushed in angry embarrassment when his stomach growled at the mentions of his current favorite foods. Fuck. Why was everything so fucked up?

She placed the tray onto the nightstand next to the bed, and took a seat on the edge of it. She finally looked up, and Louis was surprised to see a red ring around her eyes. "Gosh, this has all gotten so out of control."

"What are you talking about?" Louis questioned quietly. He kept his distance, and let himself sit against the window sill as he awaited her answer.

"At first, I thought what Des was doing was right." Her voice was quiet. "I was so happy when he told me he was going to do whatever it took to get the boys back."

Her voice cracked suddenly, and she looked up at Louis with tears in her eyes. "I didn't realize it would come to this. Especially with you pregnant. I don't want any of this to happen, you're having my grand babies." The woman broke down into sobs, her hands reaching up to cover her face.

Louis was shocked, completely stunned silent. He had no idea what to say or think. But, what could you say to that? He was the one stuck in this situation. Her husband was the one pulling all of the strings.

"Then why can't you make him stop?" Louis took a few deep breaths, trying to prevent the hysterical feeling bubbling in his gut. "Why can't you tell him to just leave us alone? I love your sons, and they love our babies." Louis' own tears began to fall. He missed his Alpha's so much.

"I can't." Anne cried out. Louis' jaw dropped, and he tried to grasp his thoughts. "I can't go against him, Louis. He's my Alpha."

"You won't even confront him over your grandchildren?" Louis lost any composure he had. "You'd rather be some mindless Omega, than help your sons and their family?"

The woman was crying uncontrollably at this point, and Louis didn't have any other words to give. He was tired, his body ached, he missed his Alpha's, and he was so hungry.

He sat on the other side of the bed, and pulled the tray of food close to him. It was filled with pancakes and a side of fruit, and when Louis cut into the pancakes, his eyes began to tear up again at the sight of marshmallow filling.

"God," Louis sobbed, leaning back on the headboard. Anne turned to face him, starting to finally calm down. "I miss your sons so much."

Louis let himself cry, his heart breaking for his Alpha's. He wanted to be wrapped up in their scent, and he wanted to feel their muscled arms wrapped around his body.

He missed Harry's gorgeous smile, and his ability to always make him feel good whether it be with sex or compliments. He missed Marcel's warmth, and his determination to make Louis and the pups as healthy and comfortable as possible. He missed Edward, who always made sure he was being treated like a princess.

He would do anything to get them back.


"I'm going to kill them." Edwards' voice was eerily calm as he stared out the planes window, his eyes a terrifying red. "I'm going to rip everyone's throat out that is in that mansion."

Neither of his brothers sat in front of him attempted to calm him down, as they felt the same way.

When they returned to their home to find their Omega missing, they were outraged. They tore the house apart to search for him, and when they finally calmed down, were able to scent the familiar smell of one of their fathers right hand men.

Their father had kidnapped their pregnant mate. He manipulated them to the point that they divided, and as soon as Des saw that Louis was unprotected, he made his move.

Harry had cried hysterically when he realized what happened. He had refused to believe that his family could be so cold hearted, but now, all of the proof was laid out. He couldn't hide it, and was no longer in denial over it either.

Marcel hadn't spoken a word unless it was to give orders. His Alpha was in complete control, and the power he oozed made everyone around them shrink away. He was currently the deadliest of the triplets, and Edward was proud of it.

They would make sure that no one got out of this situation unpunished.

Unedited, but I figured you guys would want this out as soon as possible. Next update will be out either tonight or tomorrow xxx

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