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"You guys are so rude."

Edward, Harry, and Marcel flinched simultaneously. They had been downstairs cooking breakfast for their pregnant mate, and had only gone back to the bedroom to try to wake him up as nicely as possible so that he wouldn't be grumpy.

They feared they were too late to stop that.

"What's wrong, kitten?" Harry purred innocently as he crawled into bed. Louis was sitting up and leaning back against the headboard, legs crossed as he did something on his phone.

"Why did none of you tell me about instagram?" The Omega gave them all suspicious glares, and Edward was the only one who dared to laugh. "What's so funny?"

Edward realized his mistake almost instantly. "Sorry, baby. I just don't understand what you mean. What about instagram?"

"You all have one and it's so fun and no one told me about it." Louis pouted. "Harry is the only one without a private account and none of you have accepted my request yet either."

"I'm sorry baby doll." Marcel pressed a kiss to his cheek. He knew they were in the clear, because well, Louis allowed him to kiss him on the cheek. "I'll accept it right now."

Louis brightened up immediately, as if he thought that his Alpha's wouldn't allow him to see their private social media accounts. Edward scoffed quietly at just the thought, of course they would show him anything he wanted to see.

"Marcy," Edward looked over at the trio huddled together on the bed, admiring the blush that was growing on Louis' cheeks. "when did you get all these pictures of me?"

"It's just a few." Marcel's blush matched their mates'. "Sorry. I could delete them if you want, baby doll."

"No." The Omega answered immediately. He looked like the cat that got the cream. "I want all your followers to know I have you locked down."

"You have all of us locked down, princess." Edward chuckled, shaking his head. "There's no question about that."

Louis winked at him in response, obviously appreciating the comment. Edward attempted to keep the pride of impressing their mate to himself, but if Harry's eye roll had anything to do with him, he wasn't hiding it very well.

Edward already knew what pictures were on Marcel's instagram. He loved them. There was an especially pretty one of Louis sun tanning outside, cuddled up with Marcel, that Edward had taken himself. Louis had looked positively tiny, only wearing a pair of short and tight black shorts while the rest of his body was bare, all wrapped up in Marcel's arms. If it weren't for Marcel's possessive grip, Edward wouldn't allow the photograph to see the light of day.

As the three perused through Marcel's instagram, Edward took a seat at the end of the bed and watched them.

Louis' rounded belly was covered by one of Marcel's big paws, his arm wrapped around him from the back as Louis sat in the middle of he and Harry. Harry was also resting his head on the stomach that was currently being occupied by their three offspring, and it was such a sight.

Louis was always stunning, but with the pregnant glow he had now, Edward couldn't believe his luck in finding such an exceptional mate. He was constantly thanking his lucky stars that Harry forced them to go out to eat that day.

Soon enough, the Omega was crawling into Edward's lap. He was surprised for about a second until the phone he had in his hand was slipped out and placed in Louis' own. Of course. His account was also private.

Louis gasped as he got into the app, and Edward smirked, knowing exactly what he was looking at.

Edward kept his account private because he didn't want anyone to see the pictures he took of Louis when the boy wasn't paying attention. He had probably double the amount of pictures of the Omega as Marcel had, and almost all of them were taken when Edward knew that Louis wouldn't know.

Nothing explicit was seen in any of the pictures, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to know something was going on in a few of them. Louis was flushed from his ears to his chest, and Edward smirked as he watched the Omega eye one picture in particular.

It was Edward's favorite picture. It was also his current background on his home screen, and it was of Louis riding him.

Harry had taken it one morning after heading to the bedroom to wake the couple for breakfast, and instead found them in the compromising position. Louis' bum and Edward's lower half were completely covered by their blankets, but the Omega's naked back and Edward's obviously bare chest were left to see.

It was intimate, and it was gorgeous, and Edward knew Louis would love it. He just hadn't gotten the chance to show him it.

"You guys are messes." Louis pursed his lips, but his eyes were sparkling as he said it. "Pervs and creeps, the two of you are."

"At least we have pictures of you." Edward played devils advocate. He watched as Louis gave Harry a playful glare, but the Alpha took the accusation seriously.

"Kitten, I'm the one that takes most of their pictures! Not my fault they don't reciprocate." He excused himself immediately, pouting.

"We take selfies together all the time you filthy liar." Louis's narrow eyed look looked serious now.

"Yeah, but that's for Snapchat." He argued back. They all grew quiet.

"What's Snapchat?"


Louis grumbled to himself as he sat alone at the dining room table, looking around at the three full plates of food laid out for his Alpha's that have yet to come down for dinner.

After a comfortable and relaxing afternoon of movies and cuddling, the three had announced they needed to have a discussion about business and that they would be down in a few minutes.

At that point, Louis hadn't even started cooking yet. Now he was completely done, and they still weren't back.

He huffed and stood up from his chair, stomping towards the stairs with determination. They were going to get a real earful from him, especially now that he had to go get them himself.

But, as he got to the top of the staircase, Louis was shocked to hear yelling coming from the office. It was obvious to him that the triplets were arguing, but it was a surprise to hear. He has never experienced an argument between them.

As he got closer to the office door, he was able to hear more clearly. It seemed that Edward was doing the brunt of the shouting, and Louis could feel the anger radiating from the room. He couldn't even think of anything that could cause them to be so angry with each other.

"This is your fault in the first place!" Louis jumped, hand covering his mouth as he heard Harry shout. "You're the one that decided for us to go there! We were fine with never even speaking to them again!"

"I thought I was doing what was best for everyone!" Edward responded. Louis' heart was beating ten times fast than usual, and he was starting to get nervous. He hated that they were arguing with each other, and he hated even more that he had no idea what they were even arguing about.

"Then stop blaming this all on me!" Harry's final roar was enough for the whole house to suddenly become silent. Louis was leaning against a wall in the hallway, breathing heavily through his hand. His inner Omega was panicking from all of the arguing.

Suddenly, the office door slammed open, and Harry didn't even glance at Louis as he jogged down the hallway and down the stairs.

Moments later, the front door slammed.

What were they hiding from him?

We'll finally get some answers next chapter! Any predictions?

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