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"Eddy," Louis whined, pushing at the dead weight laying on his chest. "Eddy, I have to pee!"

The Alpha grumbled in his sleep, but shifted over a bit to the point that Louis could finally jump up from the bed.

The Alpha's that were still sleeping both sprung up at the movement, but Louis didn't bother saying anything to them. He had to pee, damn it!

Once he relieved himself, he washed his face and brushed his teeth before sauntering back into the room, content once more.

"You scared us, baby." Harry whined, half of his face still buried in his pillow.

"Well, I had to pee." Louis rolled his eyes, crawling in between the two men laying in front of him. "Neither of you woke up until I finally shoved this brute off of me." Louis poked Edward's forehead, the Alpha nipping at the skin in rebuttal.

"Sorry, princess." He pressed a kiss to the digit before letting it go. He snuggled closer to Louis, inhaling deeply into his neck. Harry followed the same movements, aligning his body around Louis' back.

For Louis, to be completely encompassed by his Alpha's, albeit one was missing, this was heaven. Especially since he's found himself being exceptionally needy for them after the days following his appointment.

Harry's arms bundled him up, his palms resting on Louis' hardened belly. He didn't have much of a bump yet, but Louis swore that if someone looked close enough, his stomach was starting to get more round.

"Where's Marcy?" Louis questioned with a huff after looking around the room, not sensing the mans presence anywhere. He had originally thought that the Alpha was just cooking breakfast or something, but he could tell from their bond that he wasn't.

"He just ran to grab something from the store." Harry replied, his arms tightening around Louis' waist.

"Really?" Louis covered up his yawn with a curled up fist, attempting to sit up. "What time is it? Eddy, could you pass me my phone?"

Edward looked a little panicked for some reason, making Louis' eyebrows furrow. What was going on? Were they hiding something from him?

"Eddy," Louis called again. "could you pretty please pass me my phone?"

The front door opening and closing interrupted them, and Louis broke into a grin. "Marcy!" He yelled. His Marcel wouldn't, and couldn't, lie to save his life, unlike his brothers.

He didn't immediately hear the Alpha running up the stairs to greet him though, which made him pout. "Why are you guys being weird today?"

"Nothing weird, kitten." Harry hummed, pressing his lips to the back of Louis' neck. He sucked a kiss into the skin, making Louis sigh in pleasure. "I love you."

Louis shrugged off the awkwardness, snuggling back into the mans touch. Edward slithered his body down in order to rest his head against Louis' hard stomach, rubbing and pressing kisses to it. Louis had already started to get used to someone always touching it.

"Baby doll!" Marcel cheered as he walked through the door. He had a bag from the Apple Store in his hand, making Louis even more confused than before.

"What'd you buy?" He questioned. Marcel looked down at the bag, then to his brothers.

"Okay, so, I may have accidentally broke your phone." Edward made an apologetic face. "Sorry princess. Marcel felt bad though and offered to get you a new one."

"You goofs." Louis giggled. "You should've told me that in the first place. Thank you for getting me a new one daddy, I didn't really need it."

"We want you to have one." Marcel crawled into bed and held himself above Louis in order to press a kiss to his lips. "But, the man wasn't able to transfer the information over since you didn't have an iPhone before, so you have a new number and everything."

The Triplets Mate [Styles/Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now