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Harry was angry, Marcel was pouting, and Edward was indifferent.

Louis had a bad feeling that this was something he was going to have to learn to deal with.

"I don't want you to go back. You have to stay here." Harry grumbled, nose pressing relentlessly against Louis' neck where his scent was the strongest.

"I don't understand why you have to go." Marcel whined, pretty pout being sported on his red, plump lips. The expression of innocence made Louis wet.

"We can't stop him, he's not mated to us yet." Edward sighed from the corner, arms crossed and looking the worded picture of nonchalant.

Marcel let out a wounded howl at the offensive comment, Harry growling in agreement. Louis might not be totally theirs yet, but he was theirs.

"I need to go to work. And Liam is probably worried sick about me. I can't just disappear off the side of the planet. I'm lucky my boss understood why I'm going in late today." That was an understatement. When Louis' phone kept ringing and ringing only an hour after his alarm went off, Harry angrily answered only to scoff at the Beta asking for Louis. This caused Louis to grovel and swear that that 'brute alpha' was definitely not his.

And really, technically he wasn't lying.

"Liam's an Alpha." Harry announced snootily, smirking when Marcel let out a noise of absolute agony. Edward was beginning to grow agitated in the corner now. "Why would you leave us to go to another?"

"He's my friend Harry! Nothing more! If he wanted to mate me he would've ages ago." Suddenly a new pair of hands were pressing at Louis' tiny waist, shoving him back until they were pressed together.

"Don't you dare say things such as that in front of your Alphas." Edward's chest rumbled possessively, making Louis shiver. "You are ours and I will not hesitate to spank you if you try to insinuate otherwise."

"Yes sir." Louis whimpered, Omega instincts taking over as he rubbed his bum against the older mans crotch.

"I thought you had places to be, princess?" Edward's voice was nothing but a deep growl, rutting up against Louis in response to the small boy.

Louis let out an Omega whine, making the other two Alphas rush forward, each taking a spot around Louis. They all were releasing different Alpha noises, all of them attempting to settle the distressed boy.

"You need us, kitten?" Harry's c*ck was rock hard against Louis' thigh, rutting against him in a way that made Louis purr.

The boy completely lost himself to his Omega instincts, eyes turned black and chest vibrating as he released pleased noises. His Omega was very interested in these Alpha's and the attention they were offering him.

"Take him back upstairs." Louis whimpered when he felt Edward move away from his back. The Alpha had to step away, attempting to clear his head. He's never had this kind of reaction to an Omega before. He wasn't sure what to do, or how to react to it.

He watched as Marcel picked Louis up, the beautiful Omega and his baby brother making a beautiful picture. They were both lost to their primal selves, Louis' eyes black and Marcel's a deep red.

Edward has never been more turned on in his life.

Harry looked like he was also struggling, his Alpha nature still stressed over the whine Louis had produced earlier, but himself just wanting to fuck Louis' brains out. It was an interesting mix.

"Go take care of him, brother."


Louis was in heaven.

Marcel was lost to himself, pounding in and out of Louis in a way that made the Omega keen and scratch at his back. He had never imagined his sweet, sweet Marcey could be so powerful and demanding during sex, but the man was definitely proving himself.

Harry was at Louis' side, sucking kisses into the boys neck and rubbing at his stomach. Harry and Marcel had taken a moment to stop and stare once Louis' naked form was exposed, making Louis lose any insecurities he once held.

"So tight," Marcel groaned into Louis' ear, burying himself as deep as he could into his boy. "All mine, all mine." He repeated.

Harry hissed at the declaration before moving behind Louis, thick c*ck looking dangerously hard and painfully red. Louis gasped as he felt the mans fingers tracing his hole, rubbing at where Marcel's c*ck was settled. Marcel whined at the extra touch, Harry burying his smirk into his Omega's neck.

Harry quickly plunged two fingers next to his brother's dick, feeling Louis' hole expand automatically to include another Alpha.

An Omega's body really was a wonder.

Once Harry was sure Louis' body was ready, he positioned himself right next to his identical brother, pushing in and basking in the gasps and cries of his future mate.

"Oh-- oh! Harry!" Louis screamed to high heaven, nails digging into Marcel's shoulders. Louis had been completely pure, not even kissing another gender before this occurrence. This was all so much, but at the same time his Omega body made him feel like this was normal, an occurrence that was easily prepped to happen.

Louis could feel Marcel's knot threatening to pop, and with the angry grunts he heard Harry releasing he could tell that the other was close as well.

Knotting would be fine, just as long as they weren't mated yet. Omega's could only fall pregnant once they were mated. It was a trait that had developed hundreds of years ago when Omega's were killed during pregnancy because of how weak they were without the mate bond of their Alpha.

"Gonna knot you-- gonna make you mine." Harry growled into Louis' ear, thrusts becoming erratic. "Can't wait to mark you, gonna fill you with my pups. Then my brothers will fill you with theirs as well. Gonna be so full with all of us, gonna be able to show everyone who you belong to--"

Louis came with a shout, body becoming pliant but at the same time clenching painfully, causing Marcel's knot to pop, domino effect leading to Harry coming as well.

"Oh, Alphas," Louis sighed, one hand reaching back to clench Harry's curls while the other rubbed at Marcel's nape. "Thank you."

"Anything for you, baby doll." Marcel pressed a kiss to the mans pectoral. "We will give you whatever you need, whenever it is needed."

"I second that." Edward appeared as if out of thin air in the doorway, c*ck looking as if it was going to break out from the confines of his jeans.

"You didn't give me you," Louis pouted to the man, wiggling in Harry's lap. The mans knot tugged at his rim, and it made the Alpha begin to growl, Alpha hindbrain telling him to grab his Omega and make sure there was no competition elsewhere.

Even in his other state, Harry knew his brothers were no such thing, so he calmed immediately and nuzzled into the sweaty hair found at Louis' neck.

"You want me, pet?" Edward hummer, stepping further into the room, slipping out of his tshirt before moving his hands to unbuckle his belt.

"Yes," Louis breathed out, eyes widening as he slipped off both Harry and Marcel's now soft c*cks.

"Then you shall have me."

The Triplets Mate [Styles/Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now