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Once Louis slipped away from Harry and Marcel, Edward wasted no time in swooping in and holding the small boy.

If someone were to smell Louis, they would think he was an Alpha, a thought that made Edward grin. His brothers worked hard to make sure Louis smelled of them and only them.

But, he would now smell of Edward as well.

Edward smirked, cocky, as he watched Louis wiggle down his body to pull his pants down. The Omega moaned at the c*ck he was faced with.

Marcel's dick was a pretty pink, long and thick and perfect. Harry's was slightly thicker, and curved slightly to the right.

But Edward's.

His dick was thicker than both his brothers. He wasn't as long as Marcel, but the thickness surely made up for it. He was veiny and angry looking, but Louis had never been so excited by the prospect of sex than he was with these triplets.

They were all perfectly suited for his Omega tastes.

Louis slipped the cockhead into his mouth, moaning at the taste of precum that he felt dribble on his tongue.

Edward gasped in shock at the tight, wet heat. He hasn't let an Omega suck his dick since the first girl he fucked, and she couldn't handle the ache in her jaw that it caused.

But Louis looked like he was in heaven right now, as he sucked and nibbled at the sensitive skin around his head.

When Louis pulled off he pushed lightly at Edwards chest, whimpering in order to try to tell the Alpha what he wanted. Edward got the hint quickly, sitting on the edge of the bed.

He was about to start laying down in a space between his dazed brothers, but was surprised when his Omega didn't allow it.

Louis wrapped his thin arms around Edwards neck and began to lower himself onto his c*ck. Once his bum rested on the mans thighs, he let out a pleased sigh.

"Fuck, baby," Edward groaned, kneading at the Omegas bum, bruises beginning to form at the hold. "Gonna ride me, princess?"

"Yes, daddy," Louis gasped as he began to bounce.

Edward immediately lost control to his Alpha at the submissive words. He leaned back, lifting his knees up on the bed and thrusting as hard as he could up into Louis.

The Omega screamed and cried at the force, nails digging into Edwards chest. While he thought Marcel's Alpha was rough, Edward was ten times worse.

"Daddy, daddy, daddy," Louis blubbered, tears streaming down his face. "Love it, love it!"

"Love daddy fucking you? Want daddy's knot?" Edward growled. "You'll get daddy's knot."

"Want it!" Louis cried out. Edward let out a loud howl as he felt his knot pop, letting Louis drop down onto his lap. The omega was whimpering, laying his head into the Alpha's neck. "Thank you, daddy."

"Anything for you, baby."


"What shampoo are you using?" Harry asked as his head popped into the shower.

Louis squealed at the interruption, first instinct telling himself to cover his genitals. "Harry!"

"You're so good at telling us apart." Harry grinned. "But really, whose shampoo-- I mean what shampoo are you using?"

Louis rolled his eyes at the possessive Alpha. "The coconut one."

"That's Marcel's." Harry pouted.

"But I'm using the vanilla body wash." The Omega announced, making Harry's pout turn into a smirk.

"Good. That's what I like to hear." His smirk dimmed a bit, sheepish look on his face. "But that means you have to wear Edwards shirt then. That's what he said. To be fair."

"Okay, Harry," Louis giggled. "Are you sure you guys don't want to just pee on me?"

"No, using all of our stuff will be good enough for now." Harry winked, before opening the curtains more. "And all the come you're trying to hold inside of yourself is also helping the whole marking you thing."

Louis's face flushed at the words, biting at his lower lip.

"Not a bad thing baby, we love it." Harry snuck his head inside the shower to press a kiss the Omega's lips. "Now hurry up, Marcey cooked a nice brunch for you to enjoy. The clothes will be on the bed for you."

Louis watched as the Alpha left the bathroom before finishing washing himself off. He was so content and relaxed after such a thorough fucking followed by a nap that consisted of him being snuggled by three Alphas.

Once he finished with the shower he grabbed the towel waiting for him on the sink and dried off. He then went out to the bedroom, giggling at the fact that there was only a big white shirt waiting for him. Of course the boys wouldn't include pants.

Once he slipped the shirt on he walked downstairs, smiling at the smell of home cooked food and the sound of the boys all speaking with one another.

"Hi, pup." Marcel greeted him first, walking away from the oven to embrace the smaller boy. "How was your shower?" He didn't hide the way he sniffed at the boys hair. "I like how you smell."

"Yeah, because it's your shampoo." Louis chuckled.

"And my shirt." Edward announced, looking proud as can be. "I missed you."

"I was just upstairs, Alpha." Louis replied with a easy going smile, letting Marcel lead him to the large dining room table where the food was set.

There were plates of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and biscuits. Marcel was so cute.

"I love pancakes and biscuits." Louis complimented the Alpha, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Do you by any chance have orange juice?"

"If not I'll go to the store!" Harry offered, jumping up to go to the kitchen.

Such a dork, Louis thought with a snort. These Alphas had already won him, they didn't need to do so much extra work.

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