Chapter 10

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Shailene POV

I decided to drive myself to school today, I don't even think Daren even came by my house today. I know we would have to talk about what's going on with him, he's just been acting really weird. A part of me is somewhat jealous and upset but then at the same time the other part of me doesn't care and is relieved that I don't have to deal with any of this. I actually was able to convince Ana to come join our Philosophy class, thankfully it counts as a credit towards her major so it isn't useless for her to take it. I swing by Ana's apartment to pick her up, she gets in the car handing me a coffee with vanilla flavoring, my favorite.

    We start talking about our little movie night last night, which really did make me feel better. Like I said before, even though I was a little jealous of Darren and Ana, I was really thankful to have her as a friend. I wasn't going to let Daren ruin another friendship for me, I knew she was a truly good person when she dropped everything and really made an effort to make sure I was okay with everything. I knew I could fully trust her the second she put Daren on speaker, she didn't want me to think she was hiding something. I chuckle at myself realizing I'm becoming best friends with one of my fans, what's the chances of that? She asks me what's so funny and I turn the music up louder, shaking my head trying not to laugh again.

    We get to school and right when I'm parking I see Daren sit on the hood of his car, as if he's waiting for me. I put the car in park and look at Ana, "Don't tell Daren I know he called you last night. If he asks, you weren't with me at all." She nods and we both get out the car. I link my arms with her and start walking in a path that avoids Daren, at first when he doesn't come after me right away it somewhat shocks me, but it's actually a relief. I twinge of guilt then happens, it shouldn't be a relief when I don't have to see my own boyfriend. Before I can think though I hear, "Shai!!!! Ana!!!! Wait up!!!!" I groan as I realize it's Daren's voice, I stop and turn around seeing him jog up towards us.

    Ana nudges me to keep walking but I shake my head no and stay where I am, might as well get this over with. He finally reaches us and goes over to hug Ana, I try to stifle a laugh as I see how uncomfortable it makes her. As she slightly pushes him away he looks over at me, "Hey Shai...." I nod at him, the awkward tension comes back up. Just as Daren is about to say something someone calls Ana's name, she sighs in relief and looks at me apologetically. I nod back, it's not fair of me to ask her to be a part of my relationship drama. She hugs me goodbye and nods at Daren, he watches her leave and for a second I think I can see jealously in his eyes. He finally turns his attention towards me and I look down, not really knowing what to say.

    I hear him sigh and he slowly pulls me in his arms, "Shai...." I push him away because he's the last person I want to be in the arms of right now. I shake my head and put my hands in my pocket, "What do you want Daren?" He rolls his eyes, "Come on Shai, I'm sorry for last night. I just....... I had to get away for awhile." I can't help but wonder what he wanted to talk to Ana about... but I can't tell him just yet that I know about it. "Daren, I don't know what is going on with you. I'm not going to pretend like I know either." I try to keep my voice down so no one hears what I'm saying, "You've been acting different for awhile and I don't like this new you. Maybe it's starting college or just being in a new environment. I..... I don't.... I don't know what to do with you right now." I start walking away, "I'll see you in class." I hurry up trying to find Ana.

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