Chapter 25

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Shailene POV

I get to school a little late, which kind of sucks because I really want to talk to Ana about my night! I bet she has a lot to tell me as well! I mean I know she can keep a secret so I can tell her about my feelings and maybe she can help me out somehow. I mean I don't know what I'm feeling honestly, I just know that I want to see him more. It felt so good just to be friends with him and just be able to talk about random things. It was different, I mean maybe because he's a professor but I actually prefer talking to him than Daren.

I open the door to get to the cafeteria and I stop in my tracks. Ana and Daren are sitting really close to each other and he just kissed her cheek. I watch them smile and laugh together, I can't help but smile myself. They look so happy together, so that must mean they had a good night together. I turn back around, I'll let them have their moment together. As I'm leaving I bump into someone, I look up and see some random guy. I apologize and start walking, that's when I hear my name and see him.

Theo POV

Throughout the whole class I couldn't help but think of her. I really was happy when hanging out with her, it was like nothing else really mattered. I even forgot to grade some tests last night, which was bad but I'll just give them it tomorrow. I don't know how to get her off my mind, I tried just about everything. I still don't even know why I'm thinking about her so much, what makes her so special when I barely even know her? I don't know, all I do know is that she's like a magnet. I have to be by her and when I'm not by her I'm attracted towards her.

I'm walking and then I hear a familiar voice apologizing and then I look around and see it's her. Before I can process anything I'm calling out her name and waving towards her. It takes her a second to realize what's going on but I think once she realizes it's me a smile overtakes her face as she starts walking over to me. I try to keep myself back but next thing I know I'm walking towards her as well. I extend my arms for a hug but then I realize where I'm at so I decide to go for a handshake. She looks at me for a second then shakes my hand.

"So formal now aren't we?" She laughs

I smile but focus on our hands touching, the sparks going through my body just by our contact. She lets go and smiles, my heart skips a few beats seeing her smile.

"Of course, remember it's Mr. James now!"

She rolls her eyes and chuckles, "So what are you doing out here with the common people Mr. James?"

I try to keep a serious face, "Oh I just wanted to see the common people live their boring lives. Nothing special."

She laughs, "Well nothing to see out here, just commoners getting food."

I fix my tie, "What about you? Where's your food?"

"Ana and Daren are in there, I decided to give them some alone time. I'll get food later." She shrugs.

"Do you have class now?" I ask. She shakes her head no and I smile more, "How about I go get us some food and you go to my office so we can go over some notes."

She nods and opens her bag, I then realize she's trying to give me money and I push her hand away, "On me. Think of it as a reward for studying so well. I'll meet you at my office."

She gasps, "What a commoner is allowed to go into... not a commoner's place." I laugh at her comment, "You're better than a commoner, so of course you can go into a knight's place!" She rolls her eyes, "I'll see you in a few minutes Mr. James."

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