Thank You!

2.4K 45 7

Wow! Just wow!

The first chapter of this book came out on August 31, 2015 and honestly it was a book I was writing just for fun because I don't see many where Theo & Shai are regular people so I thought this was a great idea! Today is April 14, 2016 and the book is at 34.9K reads, to me that's honestly amazing! Thank you ALL for your support and love, I know at times I did get sidetracked but I can promise you the sequel (which will be released on April 25th) is going to be even more amazing and FULL of Sheo moments so get prepared! Thank you all again and I love you all so much! Having each and every one of you read my work is such an honor and blessing! Please make sure to go check out my other stories and if you haven't already, follow me so you know when I release new work!

Thank you all again for the love and support! Can't wait for you all to read the sequel!


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