Chapter 21

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Theo POV

I'm at Starbucks waiting, I couldn't help but get there early to make sure we got a booth in the seating area. The booth I picked is in more of a private area so it works out perfectly. I decided to change into some casual clothes, a green shirt and gray pants. Easy and Simple. Thinking about it I probably should have shaved too, but it's too late for that now.

I know I shouldn't be nervous about anything, that this is just a tutoring session. It just makes me nervous because this woman comes into my life and something draws me to her. I can't explain it or try to get rid of it. Because no matter how many times I try to deny it to myself it keeps getting stronger. I don't expect anything to happen with her, because she is a student and would probably think I'm a creep if I tried anything. I mean I know at my university that they won't fire me if I have a relationship with my student, I already looked over the policies and everything. Wait relationship, Theo back up a little bit... you're just tutoring your student.

I look around to see if she's here yet, I frown each time when I realize she isn't. I got her a vanilla flavored coffee, I figured since it was widely popular she would enjoy the drink. I decide to look over the papers I brought, trying to look busy. I start getting interested in what I'm reading when all of a sudden I hear a throat being cleared. I look up and see Shailene standing there, I can't help but smile.

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