Chapter 42

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Shailene POV

My eyes suddenly open to see the living room ceiling, I feel a pair of arms around me and I instantly smile. I look up and see Theo already looking down at me smiling, "Well finally someone is awake, I thought you would wait until the alarm went off." I roll my eyes and lay my head back down on his chest, "Good morning to you too Theo." He chuckles and squeezes me, "Good morning Shai, I assumed you slept well?" I nod and just focus on the warmth of his body, it started to get colder outside because of Winter fast approaching us so it's nice to feel warmth.

He gets up and wraps a blanket around me, "Time for some breakfast before school?" I nod quickly, curious to see what he cooks up for breakfast. As he's cooking breakfast I decide to give him some time alone and go to my room to start getting ready for school. "SHAILENE.... BREAKFAST IS READY!!" I hear Theo call, I turn off my straightener and rush over to him, hugging him from the back. "This all smells so good Theo!" He picks me up and sets me on the chair, I start to get up but he stops me, "No, no. I made you breakfast, so sit down and relax." I shake my head, "But you are my guest, you should be the one relaxing."

He laughs, "Boy you are pretty stubborn aren't you!" I smile and get a plate out for him, starting to serve him, "It comes in handy every now and then!" Before I can come back he always has two plates already served, I sigh and he chuckles, "You may be stubborn but I am old fashioned. Gentlemen rules." He holds up his hands as if he was doing a scout's honor. I laugh and sit down, "Such a gentlemen, do you do this with all your students?" He shakes his head, "Oh heavens no... but for a special student named Shailene Woodley I do."

We smile and start eating, talking about various tings, mostly him making a joke about something. That's something I really like about Theo, he always knows how to keep the conversation interesting. Always can keep me laughing, keep me positive. I wonder if he feels the same way about me. I don't even know how I'll bring up that subject, because what happens if he doesn't and it gets awkward? I would lose him as a friend, no, I won't let that happen. I come back to my senses and realize Theo has gotten stiff.

"Everything okay Theo? You look different..." I trail off, not sure where I was going with the sentence. He looks at me and shrugs, "Just had a few things running through my mind, nothing serious." I am about to ask what he's thinking about when he asks, "Do you think Ana likes me? Honestly?" Was that what he was thinking about? If my best friend liked him or not? Either he's worried she is going to tell on us or he really cares for her opinion. If that is the case... then why does he care so much about it? I nod, "Yeah I think she does, I told her how awesome of a guy you are and how you guys bonded last night I believe she does." He nods and shuts his eyes, as if everything is back to normal again.

The rest of the breakfast is pretty silent, Theo in his thought process and I'm just observing him. It's not an uncomfortable silence, just unexpected. All of a sudden an alarm goes off, it's from his phone. He shuts it off and looks at me, "Sorry, that's the alarm to tell me I need to start getting ready for work. He picks up our empty plates and takes them to the sink, I walk over to him, "No Theo let me wash them, you need to go home and get ready." He shakes his head, "Shai it's just two dishes, see they are done!" I sigh as I realize he's right, it doesn't take long to do two dishes.

He starts getting his stuff ready, and as he is leaving he gives me a hug, telling me he will see me at school. As I shut the door I start thinking about how much I care for him.

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