Chapter 26

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Shailene POV

    I get to Theo's office and I don't know what to expect. What am I doing in my professor's office? I know to study and go over material for class but it was so sudden for me to come up here. But I want to, I was even willing to skip my class just to see him. Which is bad but I haven't skipped a class before so this is just a one-time thing. I don't know whether to go into his office or stand outside the door. So I just lean against the wall and look over some of my notes for his class. I'm starting to understand it a lot better now, who would have known after just one study session I would have much improvement. Maybe I just needed a push in the right direction.

    But do I really want to improve? I mean the more I improve the less I'll need Theo's help so I won't be able to hang out with him anymore. I frown at the thought, I really enjoy hanging out with him. At the same time it worries me, he's just my professor. He probably just views me as a student he needs to help. Nothing special. But there has to be something more, I mean none of the other students call him Theo... I'm the only one who knows his actual name. I sit down on the ground and close my eyes to try to stop myself from thinking.

Theo POV

    I don't know why I'm nervous, I shouldn't be nervous. All I'm doing is helping a student get better in my class. Though if that's the case then why does my heart feel like it's going to burst out of my chest? I don't know what came over me, just inviting her to my office like that. Then offering to buy her food, it just all happened so fast. I sigh as I push open the door to the cafeteria, I look around and see Daren and Ana sitting together. I raise my eyebrow and keep walking towards the food area, I guess there's a story behind that. I grab us some sandwiches and Cheetos, pay the cashier and start my way to my office.

A/N; Have a Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you enjoy the chapter!


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