Chapter 19

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Theo POV

    Wow I'm surprised she actually agreed to let me tutor her. I mean if I asked someone else I probably wouldn't get rejected but I would be questioned. With her she just agreed without thinking any of it was weird. I mean it's not every day a professor offers to tutor a student, this is defiantly a first for me. I'm going to safely assume it's a first time for her as well since it's her first year in college.

    I mean I know we're only meeting at Starbucks but I'm just really nervous about it all. Am I supposed to get her some food before she gets there? Or should I look like I'm busy with all my work so when she gets there it doesn't look like I'm waiting for her? Then what should I wear? Usually when I see her I'm in my work attire... Do I go in that? But then would that look like I want this study session to be fancy? Or do I go in just a t-shirt and some pants? Or would that look unprofessional? Damn it Theo, get it together. Relax.

Shailene POV

    So after I left the school I decided to stop by Ana's place to talk to her for Daren. I swear he owes me one after this. Wait, didn't we just break up? Oh gosh we did, it feels like forever ago. I know I told him not to go fast, but maybe she just needs a little push. He looked so sad without her, I actually felt kind of bad for him. It reminds me of when we first started dating, he used to look like that when I wasn't around.

    I sigh as I knock on Ana's door, she doesn't answer so I keep knocking. I really hope she isn't avoiding me and Daren. After a few more knocks I'm about to give up when the door opens and I see a sleepy Ana rubbing her eyes. I laugh and hug her, "For a second I thought you were avoiding me!" She shakes her head and wraps her blanket around her, "You're not the one I'm avoiding Shai..."

    I nod and walk into the house, she shuts the door and follows me. I sit on the couch and pat the seat next to me. She slowly walks towards the couch and sits down, wrapping the blanket around herself again and laying down. I sigh as we sit in silence, just looking at each other. I can tell she is stressed out and tired, I wonder if she's been thinking about all of this. I clear my throat, "Ana... you already know why I'm here." She covers her face with the blanket, "Shai please, I get already from Daren-" I interrupt her, "I know, I know. Just hear me out... I'm not telling you that you need to go out with him, but just give him a chance."

    She uncovers her face and shakes her head, "Shailene I'm not going to give a chance to your ex-boyfriend." I roll my eyes, "Ana stop looking out for me, I'm personally telling you to give him a chance." She crosses her arms, "I'm not that type of person... I don't even know how I feel about him." I raise my eyebrow, "I think you like him Ana." She's about to talk but I cut her off, "I'm just saying, I saw how you looked at him when you met him. And then seeing you guys grow closer this past month...I think you do but you don't want to admit it."

    She closes her mouth and rewraps her blanket around her. She sits up looking out to the distance. I get up and touch her shoulder, "Just think about it. Give him a chance. If you're willing, then go to Daren's place tonight around 7 and wear something fancy. Like a black dress." She looks up at me and nods, laying back down on the sofa. I leave on that note. Once I get back into my car I call Daren, "I think I persuaded her. I told her 7. Be ready."

A/N; HAPPY THANKSGIVING GUYS!!!!!! Hope you all have a FANTASTIC day!


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