Acceptance? I think not.

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Abby stared him down.
"I know you Tony. The real you. And the fake happy front you put up is not you Tony." She said, concern in her voice.
"Oh come one. I am a happy dude. I mean like I radiate happiness. That's a song. Happy?"
"That's baloney. This whole random act of dating schtick? Nobody's buying it, okay? We all know you're lonely, and we know why. Ziva. Say it. Ziva." She demanded.
"Come on. I can say it. I know her name. Ziva" he mumbled
"Okay then let's stop dancing around this whole thing. Okay? We all miss her. I love Ziva, but she's left us. She's gone. And it hurts, and it sucks but that's reality. We have to face it." She said.
"I have faced it. Many, many times. She said no, she didn't want to come back. That's that. I have moved on from it." Tony growled.
"But you haven't moved on from her. And you can't keep putting your life on hold waiting for her to show up, because she probably never will." Abby said.
"I know. Doesn't make it any easier. The truth is I miss my friend." Tony said sadly.
"You have friends here too Tony, don't forget." She said seriously.
"I know. Thanks Abby." Tony said walking out.

Tony stormed down to MTAC to see Gibbs leaning against the wall. He had half the mind to tell him to back off.
"Let's go DiNozzo." Gibbs said tossing him a set of keys.
"Where to boss?" He asked.
"You're taking Bishop to Quantico. Got a dead body." He said.
Tony drove in silence, not wanting to be near Ziva's "replacement" let alone talk to her.
"Listen DiNozzo I know you don't like me-" she started but was quickly cut off.
"No you listen here Bishop. This is strictly professional, I don't want to talk to you unless it is work related." He growled, his voice icy, laced with venom. She gave him an aggravated look. "And from now on, when you do address me it is Special Agent DiNozzo." He added. Bishop huffed loudly in the seat next to him. She had been given a warm welcome from everyone but Anthony DiNozzo. She figured it had a lot to do with his old partner, a story she knew nothing about.
As they pulled into Quantico, they began to grab their gear from the car. Tony's phone alerted him of a message, and he all but dropped the camera to see if it was her. He looked down and saw her picture appear on his screen.

~I know Tony. I miss you as well~

This made his heart ache. He longed to see her, to hold her, hell he even missed when she used her ninja movies on him. But it was always okay, because she was his ninja.

~When will I see you again?~

He sent the text hoping it would be soon. He had not seen her in so long. Picking his camera back up and taking more pictures, his mind a thousand miles away. All he could concentrate on was her reply. He was dazed when he felt a sharp pain on the back of his head.
"DiNozzo are you deaf? We're leaving." Gibbs said.
Tony nodded and walked to get in the car. Tony got into the car with Gibbs seeing as how McGee took Bishop back, not that Tony minded that. He looked at his phone again awaiting a reply.
"Something on your mind Tony?" Gibbs asked.
"It's nothing boss." Tony answered.
"Obviously it's something DiNozzo." Gibbs said seriously.
"Just waiting for Ziva to text me back." He said honestly.
"She still in contact with you?" Gibbs asked.
"Yeah." Was all he said. Gibbs nodded. He knew Ziva and Tony were close. Even had suspicions about them from time to time. And he knew they broke rule 12, but he never said anything about it.

The rest of the car ride was silent. Tony recalled his time with Ziva in Paris. The things that happened there, that nobody knows about.

He remembered the one time Ziva poured water on his head while he was sleeping. He had jumped up like a ninja to hear her beautiful giggle. He smiled when he thought about the time they got stuck in the sexual harassment class and Ziva licked his ear.

Tony was brought back to reality by the sound of his phone. He eagerly unlocked his phone.

~I do not know. I do not plan to go back to DC~

This made Tony's heart sink even more. All he wanted was Ziva back. Wasn't that a simple request. To have to woman he loves with him?

~I'll come to you~ he sent back

"Boss." Tony said hesitantly
"Yeah DiNozzo." Gibbs asked casually
"I'm going to take a weeks vacation." Tony said cautiously.
"Where?" Gibbs asked
Tony though about it, what's worse lying to Gibbs, or telling him the truth?
"Before you lie to me, you might want to think twice DiNozzo." Gibbs warned him.
"To see an old friend." Tony said carefully, not a lie, but not the whole truth. Gibbs knew this obviously, but agreed to let him go.
"When do you leave?" Gibbs asked.
"Today." Was all he said.
"Okay." Gibbs answered.

Gibbs pulled into the NCIS parking lot and watched as Tony practically sprinted to the bullpen. He managed to make it into the elevator with him.
"DiNozzo I know you're going to her." Gibbs said. Tony sighed.
"I don't care what you think about it boss. We aren't co-workers any more so rule 12 technically cannot be broken-" he was cut off by a sharp slap to the back of his head.
"I was going to say take care of yourself DiNozzo." Tony looked away ashamed. Gibbs turned the elevator back on.
"Sorry boss."
Gibbs walked out of the elevator and yelled.
"Never say you're sorry DiNozzo. It's a sign of weakness."
"Right. Rule 6." Tony mumbled.
He walked out of the elevator into the bullpen and grabbed his car keys. He decided to leave Gibbs a note.

"If you need me back before the week is up, call. Thank you for letting me do this. I'll be back." ~ Tony DiNozzo

Tony chuckled a little at his movie reference.
He then sprinted to the elevator. Once he was in his car he sped home to pack. He wanted to get to Tel Aviv as quickly as he could. He desperately wanted to see her. No he needed to see her. As he drove to the air port he thought about what Abby had said.

Yes he had accepted that Ziva left, but he couldn't accept that she didn't belong in his life.

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