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Four months had passed as Alex was turning one. He still was unable to walk but he tried.

He was able to kick his legs and scoop across the floor.

"Come on Alex. Walk to Abba." Tony encouraged.

"Tony he does good standing there. You know what the doctor said." Ziva said glaring at him.

"I'm just trying to work with him on it." Tony said.

Ziva picked Alex up.

"He will walk when he is ready Tony do not push the issue." Ziva said.

"You just like that you don't have to chase him down yet." Tony said humorously.

"Well I wish I could actually. I hate that something is wrong with him. Something that should not have happened." She said sadly.

"He will get through it." Tony said kissing her cheek.

"Ima!" Tali squealed running in the door.

"Tali no running in the house." She said.

"Sorry Ima. But look what I found!" She said holding up the little puppy.

"He is cute Tali. Where did you find him?" Ziva asked.

"Um." Tali said, knowing she was going to be in trouble.

"Tali did you walk to the park again?" Ziva asked suspicious.

"Yes." Tali whispered.

Knowing her parents would be mad. The park was only two blocks away but they did not think a child that was almost three should walk there alone.

"Tali you know you are not allowed to go without me or Abba!" Ziva reprimanded.

"You could've gotten hurt!" Tony added.

"Or someone could have taken you." Ziva said angrily.

"Do you want someone to take you away from us?" Tony asked.

Tali looked up at them with tears in her eyes and shook her head no. This was the maddest she had ever made them.

"I'm sorry." She said as tears fell down her little face.

Ziva's facial expression softened and she bent down to her height.

"Tali we love you, and we do not want anything bad to happen to you. You are just to young to go places by yourself." Ziva said pulling her into her arms. Not being able to bear her tears much longer.

"I won't do it again." Tali promised.

"Good." Tony said messing up her hair.

"So can I keep him?" She asked hopefully.

"I do not see why not." Ziva said just as Tony was going to say he didn't think it was a good idea.

"Well." He started but stopped when he saw the look Ziva was giving him.

"Sure princess." Tony said giving in.

"What kind of dog is he?" Tali asked.

"Well looks like you found yourself a German Shepard." Tony said as he looked at the puppy.

"Cool! Those are the dogs on the cop show." Tali said excitedly.

"Yeah." Tony said laughing.

"Abba where do you keep the dogs at NCIS?" Tali asked.

"We do not have dogs." Ziva said humorously.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Because we aren't a K-9 unit." Tony explained.

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