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Ziva opened her eyes abruptly. The white walls and ceiling and the constant beeping. Ziva groaned. She was in a hospital. She glanced down and saw an IV in her hand. She immediately tried to rip it out until a strong hand stopped her.

"No Ziva don't." Tony said. She glared at him. 

"I know you don't like needles but its fine. Everyone's okay." He assured her.

"Tali?" She asked. 

"She's with Gibbs. They're outside." Tony explained.

"And the baby?" Ziva asked worry crossing her face.

"He's okay. But you have bad burns on your legs and stomach Ziva." Tony said sadly.

"Can I have Tali please?" She asked quietly. A tear running down her face. Tony gave her a small smile and went to get Tali.

"You have to be easy with Ima. She's hurt badly." She could hear Tony explain.

"Okay Abba." Tali said understanding. Ziva smiled when he walked through the door with Tali in his arms. 

"Ima!" Tali said happily. Ziva reached for her, ignoring the pain in her muscles.  She pulled Tali down beside her and just held her. Tears started falling down her sweet little face as she saw just how bad her mother was hurt.

"Shh tateleh I will be fine okay? Everything will be okay." She said kissing her tears away.

"It is my fault Ima. You saved me and got burned." She cried.

"And I would do it again Tali. You are my baby, I will always save you." Ziva explained. Tony sad there sadly. It wasn't till then that Ziva noticed the bandages on his arms.

"Tony?" She asked.

"I pulled both of you out." He said sadly.

"Did they find Adam?" Ziva asked.

"Yes. He's at NCIS for questioning. Gibbs wanted to give you a chance to speak with him. If you wanted to." Tony told her.

"Yes I have a few things to get off his chest." She said angrily. Causing Tony to let out a small laugh.

"It's your chest Ziva." He said humorously.

"Must you continuously correct my English?" She grumbled.

"Yep." He said happily.

"Well I will be going now." Ziva said scooting Tali over to Tony and attempted to get up.

"Ziva! You need to stay in bed. You need rest." Tony gripped.

"Tony do not try and stop me." Ziva growled. She bit her lip as the pain from her burns started to get to her. She walked into the bathroom and examined her injuries. Her calfs were burned pretty bad and she had a small burn on her stomach, but nothing that she thought would scar badly. She changed into her cargo pants and olive green tank top with her black jacket. Strapping on her boots she ignored the stinging feeling.

"Ziva he can wait. You don't need to rush anything." Tony said grabbing her arm.

"Tony I have to. Do you not see that I need to end this before it is Tali that gets hurt?" Ziva yelled.

"She will be okay Ziva, I won't let anything happen to her. What about you Ziva? You are seven months pregnant! What about our son? You can't run off and be some kick ass ninja while you are seven months pregnant!" He yelled right back at her.

"I can and I will." She yelled making her way to the door. But again Tony blocked her way in.

"What do you plan to do? Burst into interrogation and ruff him up? Break a couple bones? You are on no condition to be doing things like that." Tony yelled. Ziva glared at him. All the yelling had gotten Gibbs attention and he walked in a picked Tali up off the bed. The poor child having witnessed be heated argument between her usually happy parents. He took her outside to Abby and came back in and smacked them both on the back of the head.

"Listen here. You're going to get your ass back in the bed. No arguing, and you Tony will hold her hand and concentrate on your family. Tali just listened to the two of you scream at each other and no kid should see their parents fight. Ziva I will keep Adam there for another week. Give yourself a chance to heal before you speak with him. And you won't be going in there without me." Gibbs said. The two agents looked down in shame. Ziva slowly sat down on the bed. And Tony took his place by her side. Abby walked in with A sleeping Tali in her arms and handed her off to Tony. Then Gibbs and Abby left.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you Ziva." Tony said quietly.

"I am sorry too Tony." Ziva said tears welling in her eyes.

"You know if Gibbs heard us saying sorry it would be another head slap." Tony said trying to lighten the mood.

"True, but he would not hit me as hard as you." She teased.

"Yeah he never has." Tony grumbled.
Remembering the time right after she had joined the team they had been in a huge argument and Gibbs slapped their heads but Ziva not as hard, causing him to complain. 

"Tony I have to finish this." She whispered tuning her fingers through Tali's soft light brown curls.

"I know you do. But not right now." Tony said.

"I hate being pregnant." She grumbled. " I love Tali and I will love our son, but I hate feeling vulnerable." She said tears coming to her eyes.

"Ziva you're the strongest person I know. It's going to be okay." Tony assured her. Taking her hand in his.

"We're going to talk to Adam together. And we will find a way to keep Mossad off your back." Tony told her.

"I am not sure it is that simple Tony." Ziva mumbled.

"Well let's not talk about it for right now. Let's talk about something else." Tony suggested.

"How about we try and figure a name for the baby? So he has one when he gets here." Ziva said.

"Good idea. Are you wanting to go along with the Israeli names? I love that we did for Tali, and  your name is and its like a whole herd of ninjas." He said happily. Ziva rolled her eyes, and a smile tugged at her lips.

"Yes if we can find one we agree on." She said.

"Okay well give me some names that uh like, and I'll give you the ones I like." Tony said.

"Well I like, Alexander, Noah, Aaron, Michael." She said.

"I like Noah and Alexander. Do you like one more than the other?" Tony asked her.

"I like Alexander more. We could call him Alex. " She said happily.

"Okay we have the first name down." Tony chuckled.

"We named Tali after your old partner, and Gibbs's daughter, do you sang go do if again?" She asked.

"Sure, but I think it might be harder. This go round." Tony said honestly.

"How about we use Timothy?" She suggested.

"Alexander Timothy David DiNozzo. I like it. Do you want him to have five names like Tali?" He questioned.

"Yes. That's going to be a hard one." Ziva said. They sat thinking and then gong looked up.

"What about Jethro Alexander Timothy David DiNozzo?" He wondered.

"I love it! We can still call him Alex tough I really like that." Ziva said happily.

"Alright. Our son has a name." Tony said happily. Hugging Ziva gently.

"He has a name." She said happily planting a sweet kiss on his lips.

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