Rain or Shine who doesn't like a good surprise?

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Tony and Ziva had stopped going to work all together. And being the that that Ziva was now fourth two weeks pregnant Tony wished he could go to work.

"Tony!" Ziva called.

"Yeah sweet cheeks?" He asked.

"Call the doctor. I want to know what I can do to make this child come now." She said irritated.

"Zi I don't think there is anything to do. We just have to wait." Tony said.

"Well then you carry your daughter because I am tired of it. She was supposed to be here two weeks ago. Two weeks!" Ziva grumbled.

"Well she likes it in there. It's warm and cozy. And she has you all around her who wouldn't love that?" Tony asked wrapping his arms around her.

"The uncomfortable mother who has to cart around the extra weight." Ziva murmured.

"She'll come when she's ready." Tony assured her.

"Sure she will." Ziva said.

"Ima Ima Ima." Alex yelled running in the room.

"What Alex?" Ziva asked.

"Pa is here." He said.

"Really? Wonder what he wants." Tony said.

"He's talking to Tommy but him wants y'all." Alex explained.

"Okay we're coming buddy." Tony said. He helped Ziva to her feet and held her hand as they walked the short distance to the living room.

"Hey boss." Tony greeted.

"DiNozzo." He said setting Tommy down.

"Hello Gibbs." Ziva said brightly.

"Hey Ziver. That kid still refused to come out huh?" He chuckled.

"Evidentially she likes it in there." Ziva said.

"Not to kick you out or anything boss but why are you here?" Tony asked.

"Right well Jen said I needed to come over here cause something was going to happen. Said she had a gut feeling so I'm here." Gibbs explained.

"What's going to happen?" Tony asked.

"Dunno. But she insisted." Gibbs sighed.

"Maybe that means the baby will come." Ziva said hopefully.

"Why don't you go get induced?" Gibbs asked.

"What is that?" Ziva asked.

"Well they can break your water and then your body will follow suit and you go into labor. I mean the kids two weeks over due." Gibbs laughed.

"Why did you not tell me about that before? I would have done that a week ago." Ziva said.

"Well since you're here want to have dinner?" Tony asked.

"What did you make?" Gibbs asked.

"Pizza. Tali loves to make pizza." Tony chuckled.

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