The Wedding

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Ziva sat in her white dress. She couldn't believe this day had actually come. She rubbed her twenty two week baby belly happily.

"Ima." Tali said showing Ziva her dress.

"You look beautiful tateleh." Ziva said kissing her cheek.

"You look beautifuller." Tali said sweetly. Ziva smiled.

"Oh my God Ziva you look amazing!" Abby squealed.

"Thank you Abby." Ziva said softly.

"Okay Timmy made sure Tony got the boys dressed oh they look so cute! But Gibbs is on his way over here." Abby said excitedly.

"It's almost time?" Ziva asked.

"Yes! Are you ready?" Abby asked.

"Uh I think so." Ziva said becoming nervous.

"Just take a deep breath and relax. You've been waiting for this day for years." Abby said giving her a tight hug.

"Thank you." Ziva said, though she was still nervous.

"Hey kid." Gibbs said as he walked in.

"Shalom Gibbs." She said as he kissed her cheek.

"You look beautiful Ziver." He said his voice full of emotion.

Ziva smiled and a tear rolled down her cheek. He smiled and whipped it away.

"Don't cry. You'll ruin your make up." Abby said.

"Sorry." Ziva said with a small smile.

Abby have her one last hug and then she left.

"You okay?" Gibbs asked her noticing her fidgeting.

"Yes." She said nervously.

"Hey if you're not completely sure about this I'll drive the get away car." He told her, bending down to be eye level with her.

"Thank you, but no. I love him and I want to do this. I am just nervous." She admitted.

"Don't be. It's just DiNozzo." Gibbs said.

Ziva smiled at him.

"Hey you're up next." Jenny said as the flower girl song came on.

"Okay Tali it's your turn." Jenny said handing her the basket of flower petals.

"Bye Ima." Tali said happily taking the basket.

"Three minutes Jethro." Jenny said leaving.

"Come on kid were up to bat." He said.

She stood up and brushed the nonexistent wrinkles from her dress. She looked in the mirror and made sure she hadn't messed up her make up.

"Come on that's our cue." Gibbs said as the familiar toon began to play.

Ziva looped her arm in his and he led her to the door.

"Do not let me fall." She whispered.

"You're not going fall." He assured her.

They began their walk down the isle. It was absolutely stunning. There were thousands of twinkling lights dancing up above them.

Beautiful flowers off all colors permeated the room with the sweetest smell. Yellows, pinks, whites. All the colors blended perfectly.

The chairs were all a beautiful chestnut brown, with burlap and lace bows that were tied neatly on all of them.

Little rustic keys hung around the arch way and the candle filled mason jars glowed brightly.

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