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Once they got the go ahead to take the girls home everyone was excited. Abby through a huge welcome home party.

"Rest Ziva. I know you're tired." Tony said taking Aria from her.

She smiled and rested her head on the arm of the couch.

"Ima can we go to the pawrk?" Alex asked snuggling up to her.

"Not today Alex. Ima is tired and your baby sisters are too little." She told him running his fingers through his hair.

"Otay." He said pouting a little.

"Who wants cookies?" McGee yelled? Causing all the little ones to come running.

"No sugar." Ziva groaned. Knowing they would be bouncing off the walls soon.

"He's taking them. So let him fill them with sugar." Tony laughed.

"He is? Why?" Ziva asked.

"To give you a chance to rest. And Tali begged." Tony said.

"He does not have to do that." Ziva frowned.

"If you don't want them to go then that's fine Zi. But you need rest and it would be easier to have three small kids away for the weekend." Tony pointed out.

"Just the weekend." Ziva confirmed.

"Not a moment longer." Tony assured her.

"Okay. Fine they can go." Ziva sighed.

"Ziva would you be opposed if I stayed and helped with the girls?" Jenny asked hopefully.

"Not at all Jenny." Ziva smiled, knowing she would need the extra hands. Especially because Tony had something to do tomorrow.

"Jethro I'm staying here." Jenny said.

"Alright." He said kissing her cheek as then Ziva's head. "Get some sleep kid." He said humorously.

"I will try." Ziva promised looking at the two bassinets that held her new born daughters.

"We've got them Ziva. Take a nap." Jenny said brushing her hair out of her face.

"Thank you Jenny." Ziva said tiredly.

She got up slowly and kissed Tony and headed up to their room.

The moment her head hit the pillow she was out.

"Surprise twins. Who would've known?" Tony murmured as he picked Isabel up.

"I know. And to think that the doctors missed her." Jenny cooed as she held Aria.

"Can't believe it." Tony said.

"So Aria Grace? What is the meaning there?" Jenny asked.

Tony smiled at her.

"Well Aria after Ari. He was still Ziva's brother and she still loves him no matter what he did.  And Grace was my mothers name. She would have loved this." Tony murmured.

"Oh. And Isabel's name?" Jenny asked.

"Actually I don't know anyone by that name. But it is Hebrew so Ziva loved it. And Marie just kind of flowed with it. Funnily enough all of their names have are from Hebrew. I'm not sure about Tommy's but we didn't name him." Tony explained.

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