The Fire

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A couple months after their run in with Adam things were going smoothly. Ziva was now seven months pregnant with a little boy.

"We should think about names Ziva." Tony said from his desk.

"I know Tony. I have been busy here with desk work because Gibbs will not let me in the field."  Ziva said grumpily.

"And with good reason Ziver. You're pregnant." Gibbs said as he walked in the bullpen. He walked over to Ziva and handed her a bottle of juice and some fruit and kissed her head.

"Exactly Zi so might as well enjoy the quiet while you can." Tony said.

"Oh by the way Vance has made an extra wing for agents kids to be. A little day care like thing." Gibbs told them.

"Oh cool." Tony said.

"That way there is 24/7 protection and they are not too far from us. That was kind of him." Ziva said happily.

"Yeah I told him we'd be losing two critical agents if we didn't do something for your kids." Gibbs said.

"Maybe just for a little while but eventually we'd come back boss." Tony said.

"Yes and after I have this one we may be out for a month or two but then we will be back." Ziva said.

"Ima. Ima!" Tali said running from the elevator.

"Tali do not run in the bullpen." Ziva scolded.

"But Ima you said to come to you or Abba if I ever saw that man again." Tali said innocently.

"What?" Tony said.

"Where did you see him tateleh?" Ziva asked clutching her daughter, worry clear in her eyes.

"In the window of Abby's lab." Tali explained.

"Tony." Ziva whispered pulling Tali into to her lap. A haunting look masking her face.

"It's gonna be okay Ziva." Tony said wrapping his arms around them.

"McGee, Bishop I want everything on this man. Now!" Gibbs roared as he ran up to the directors office.

"Ima why is Pa mad?" Tali asked.

"He is just worried Tali." Ziva said.

"Is Pa your Abba?" Tali asked her.

"He is the closest thing I will ever have to an Abba yes." Ziva told her honestly.

"Is that man bad Ima?" Tali asked.

"Yes Tali he is bad." Ziva told her truthfully.

"Ziva! Tony! I'm so sorry I looked away for a second and she was gone and..." Abby stopped seeing Ziva, Tali and Tong all together looking upset.

"It is okay Abby, she did as she was told." Ziva said.

"What?" Abby asked confused.

"Ima told me if I ever saw the bad man again that I go straight to her or Abba." Tali explained.

"What bad man?" Abby asked.

"The one I saw looking at us through your window." Tali explained.

"You mean, someone was watching us and I didn't know?" Abby said freaking out.

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