First Steps & A New Friend

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Four month later the small family of four were sitting in the bullpen. Tali was coloring quietly by Ziva's desk while Alex sat in the floor chewing on his toys.

"Ima." Alex babbled.

"Alex." Ziva said. It had become their new game. He would say her name and she would say his.

"Ima." He said again.

"Alex." Ziva said in a singsong tone.

They continued this for the next fifteen minutes. Getting annoyed looks from passing people.

"Hey Ziva do you want something to-" Tony stopped talking and stared at his son in awe.

"Yes!" He yelled excitedly.

Ziva's head snapped up at his sudden outburst and saw Alex making his way to her.

"You are walking!" She said excitedly, jumping up and holding her hands out for him to come to her.

"Aw!" Bishop said pulling her phone out and recording the special moment.

"Ima." Alex babbled happily.

"Alex." Ziva said making a silly face at him, coaxing him to continue.

He made it to Ziva and she scooped him up and spun him around.

"You did it! You took your first steps!" Ziva said happily.

"He can walk!" Tony said.

"Baba." Alex said reaching for Tony.

"You did it little man." Tony said throwing him up in the air. Causing him to erupt into a fit of giggles.

"Well Ziva now you have two to chase around." McGee said.

"Just wait. Luca will be into everything in just a few months." Ziva laughed.

"We've got baby locks on everything." McGee said worried.

"Way to go McParanoid ." Tony teased.

McGee's face flushed red.

"Do not listen to him McGee. When Tali was born he baby proofed everything. The whole house. And then he worried about the house not being safe enough still." Ziva told him.

"Oh I know. He called me once asking if they made cleaners that weren't harmful to children." McGee said smirking at Tony.

"Hey I wanted my kid safe." He said defensively.

"I know Tony." Ziva said giving him a soft kiss.

"Really you two?" Gibbs asked.

"Hey boss." Tony said.

"Grab your gear." Gibbs said tossing Tony keys.

"What do we got?" Tony asked.

"Good question." Gibbs said ruffling Tali's hair on his way to the elevator.

Tony ran over and kissed his kids.

Ziva scooped the kids up and ran then to the daycare. Kissing them both bye and hurried off to meet Tony.

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