12 month OP

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"Tony, Director Vance wants you in MTAC." McGee says.

"Must be where Gibbs is." Tony muttered, walking towards the stairs.

"DiNozzo." Vance greeted.

"Vance." Tony said.

"I need you to go on a 12 month op." He said seriously.


"In Santiago, Chili." Vance said.

(Fun fact Cote de Pablo is from Santiago, Chili)

"Why? What are we after?" Tony questioned.

"Unfortunately I am not a literary to tell you. You will be briefed once you arrive. I have set up Agent Jasper Smith to pick you up, he will be escorting you to Agent Madison. He will be your partner on this op. That is all I can tell you." He said.

"Leon, am I going to be able to have outside contact? I need to know." Tony said.

"No communication. If we need to contact you we will, but other than that you can not try and contact anyone." Leon said.

Tony's heart dropped. 12 months, not only could e not see her, but he couldn't even talk to her. A whole year.

"When do I leave?" Tony asked.

"In a week. That enough time for you to get everything in order DiNozzo?" Gibbs asked.

Knowing Tony was upset about the no communication thing. Tony walked quickly out of Leon's office and down to the bullpen.

~Can we video chat in an hour?~
He sent her.

Waiting impatiently for her to reply. He put his head in his hands. 12 months! 12 months without anything or anyone. And he didn't even know why he was going. To say he was frustrated would be an understatement. Looking at his phone he read Ziva's reply.

~Yes~ she replied.

He smiled, at least he had a week to see her beautiful face, even through a computer screen. He grabbed his gun and jacket and drove home. Leaving a confused McGee behind.


Tony smiled as he saw Ziva connect to his call and having her smile at him through the camera. He had been back in America for about two weeks, but he still missed her.
"Hey sweet cheeks." He said causing her to smile and roll her eyes.
"Hello Tony." Ziva said brightly. He smiled, happy to see her, but she could see the worry in his face.
"Is something the matter Tony?" She asked. 
"I won't be seeing you for some time." He mumbled, he could see the sadness and curiosity in her eyes.
"You are going undercover yes?" She asked.
"Yes. They haven't told me what I'm doing, said I'll be briefed when I get there." Tony explained.
"Do you know where you are going?" Ziva asked.
"Chili. They won't say who I'm targeting." He whined.
"How long Tony?" Ziva asked, knowing she wasn't going to like his answer.
"12 months." Tony said sadly. He saw Ziva take a deep breath.
"I am guessing you cannot contact me this whole time?" She questioned. Tony nodded. 
He was torn, but what could he do? Tell Gibbs he can't go because he wants to see a woman? Even though it was Ziva, a woman Gibbs sees as his own daughter. Tony was sure it wouldn't be a good excuse.
"We have gone through worse Tony." Ziva pointed out.
"I know but this is getting old." Tony grumbled.
They talked for about seven more hours. Enjoying being able see each other and hear each others voices. Not caring that it was just a computer monitor.

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