CI Ray?

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As Tony's plane to Chili landed, he was greeted by a tall tanned man which he had never seen before.

"Agent DiNozzo, I am Agent Jasper Smith. I will be escorting you to Agent Addison McGregor."

Tony nodded. He wanted to know what he was doing and why he was doing it.
Tony got into the black suv and rode in silence.

He wondered what Ziva was doing at the moment. His heart ached as he though about this whole next year.

Anything could happen. He was hoping to get this done as quickly as possible.
The car pulled up to an apartment complex.

"Well isn't this lovely." Tony snorted as he got out.

"If you like the outside, you sure are going to love the inside Agent DiNozzo." A redhead said as she approached him.

"You must be this mysterious Agent McGregor." Tony said, flashing a smile.

"Indeed I am." She said.

"Mind telling me why I'm here?" He said not being subtle about it.

"Ah you will learn that momentarily." She said.

Tony grumbled under his breath. Patience wasn't really his best quality.
They walked into the building.

Tony noticing that the inside was a little more ragged than the outside.

"Now Agent DiNozzo I understand you are Gibbs' best agent yes?" Agent McGregor asked

"I like to believe that." Tony answered

"Good, because you're in for a rude awakening." McGregor said.

"And whys that?" Tony asked

"Meet your target." She said handing him a file.

He opened the file and began to flip through the papers. Confusion masking his face.

"Ray?" He asked bewildered.

"You know this man?" Agent McGregor asked.

"Yeah. Ray Cruz. CIA." Tony grumbled.

"Didn't he have a relationship with your ex agent?" Smith asked.

"He is the ex of former Agent Ziva David. Now why is he my target?" Tony growled.

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