Christmas P2 / Interrigaton

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It was Christmas morning and all the kids were excited.

They had decorated the Christmas tree beautifully and began making the Christmas feast.

Everyone was to be over soon. The twins slept peacefully in their bassinets just on the other side of the living room.

Alex and Tommy played happily with their dinosaurs.

And Tali sat quiet as ever in the chair close to Ziva.

"Talia please say something." Ziva begged.

As much as she tried her voice was strained. Her daughter hadn't uttered a word in a week.

The only noises she would make is the whimpering sound she made when Ziva either cleaned her arm or tried to leave her side.

"She'll talk when she's ready." Tony said kissing her cheek.

"I want her to talk now Tony." Ziva muttered.

"We all do kid." Gibbs said as he came through the the door way.

Ziva watched as Gibbs picked Tali up and tickled her. A smile made its way go her face but no laughter erupted from her.

Tony sighed. As the others filed in.

"Pa!" Tommy and Alex yelled. Running and hugging Gibbs's legs.

"Hey boys." Gibbs said.

Excited squeals erupted from them once they saw Jenny walking in with bags of presents.

"Oh Jenny you did not have to do that." Ziva said rushing forward to help her.

"Of course I did. You guys are family and those are my grandkids." She said happily.

Ziva turned her attention to Gibbs.

"So?" She asked.

Gibbs sighed.

"She won't talk." He said.

Ziva narrowed her eyes furiously. Of all people who couldn't get a suspect to talk. Gibbs came up empty handed.

"You are telling me you could not break her?" Ziva demanded.

"Calm down kid. She doesn't speak English." Gibbs said grabbing her shoulder.

"What is she speaking?" Ziva asked. Knowing that she probably spoke it.

"Russian." Gibbs said.

"Easy. I will interrogate her myself." Ziva said grabbing her bag.

"Whoa my ninja." Tony said grabbing her by the arm.

"What Tony?" She asked irritated.

"It's Christmas  Ziva. We've got five little ones here who would love to spend it with their Ima. She can wait." Tony murmured taking her face gently in his hands.

Ziva's face softened and she looked at her babies. They looked so happy by the tree.

Even though Tali had a happy look on her face, she was still quiet as ever.

"Christmas yes I know Tony. But I need to do this. Maybe it will help Tali. A couple hour tops. And I will even take Gibbs." Ziva reasoned glancing at Tali.

Tony sighed and pulled her into his arms squeezing her tightly.

"Fine." He said.

"An hour boss. Don't let her go too crazy." Tony said seriously.

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